Experience streets and backyards in ancient Copenhagen. På gåtur gennem 5 gader, som alle blev ramt af de 2 store Københavnerbrande i 1728 og 1795. Tekst og fotos Erik K Abrahamsen, oktober 2011 Hjørnet af Teglgårdsstræde og Sankt Pedersstræde: Klik på foto’s… Læs mere Oplev gader og baggårde i det ældste København
Kategori: Miljø
Baggårde i det ældste København – livet bag portene
Backyards in ancient Copenhagen – life behind the gates Fra en tid hvor baggårdene var værksteder, pakhuse, hestestalde og boliger med overfyldte lejligheder uden toiletter og rindende vand til idag, hvor baggårdene er renoverede til grønne gårdmiljøer for leg, rekreation og bil- og cykelparkering. Tekst og fotos Erik K Abrahamsen, Købehavn 2009… Læs mere Baggårde i det ældste København – livet bag portene
Kronborg Castle and Karmeliter Monastery in Elsinore – two jewels of danish history and architecture
Kronborg Slot og Karmeliter Klosteret i Helsingør – to juveler i dansk historie og arkitektur Text and photo by Erik K Abrahamsen The visions of King Erik 7 of Pommern gives birth to Kronborg Castle, Karmeliter Monastery and the economic growth of Elsinore town: After King Erik 7 of Pommern 2 years pilgrimage voyage to… Læs mere Kronborg Castle and Karmeliter Monastery in Elsinore – two jewels of danish history and architecture
Elephant Parade visit neighbouring Frederiksberg with its beautiful garden and Carlsberg Brewery
Elephant Parade, Copenhagen 2011 Open air exhibition of 102 elephant sculptures decorated by international and danish artists. Arranged by “Asian Elephant Foundation” to “contribute to the conservation of Asian Elephants and the public awareness of their life threatening situation”. Frederiksberg City Hall: Frederiksberg Have: Frederiksberg Have (Garden): On my way to Carlsberg Brewery I pass… Læs mere Elephant Parade visit neighbouring Frederiksberg with its beautiful garden and Carlsberg Brewery
Elephant parade – asian elephants enjoy life in harbour and parks in Copenhagen
Open air exhibition of 102 elephants statues decorated by international and danish artists. The asian elephants are in a threathening situation by human urbanisation, pollution and hunting. There are only 25-35.000 asian elephants left living today all over Asia. It is a decrease of more than 200.000 asian elephants the last 100 years. “The Asian… Læs mere Elephant parade – asian elephants enjoy life in harbour and parks in Copenhagen
Elephant Parade invades Copenhagen – open air exhibition in aid to the Asian elephant
Impressions from four squares of the city: Kongens Nytorv, Amagertorv, Gammeltorv/Nytorv and Gråbrødretorv. 102 elephants decorated by international and danish artists are set up outdoor all over Copenhagen and Frederiksberg. The Asian elephants are life threaten. Today there are only 25-35.000 elephants living all over Asia. 100 years ago the population were more than 250.000… Læs mere Elephant Parade invades Copenhagen – open air exhibition in aid to the Asian elephant
Christianias fremtid sikret – aftalen mellem Staten og Christiania underskrevet den 22. juni 2011
Indtryk fra en solskinsdag i Christiania på aftaledagen den 22. juni 2011 Impressions in Christiania, Copenhagen on the agreement day 22. june 2011 between The State of Denmark and Freetown Christiania Tekst og billeder Erik K Abrahamsen I “Aftale mellem Christiania og Staten” står bl.a. ( på side 1 ud af 9… Læs mere Christianias fremtid sikret – aftalen mellem Staten og Christiania underskrevet den 22. juni 2011
Peoples opposition against atomic power plants: postponed in 1976 and stopped in 1985 nuclear energy in Denmark
Historien bag det danske folks NEJ TAK til atomkraft. 10 years from 1976 to 1985 of creative and intelligent campaigning against nuclear energy by OOA convinced a majority of the danish people not to choose atomic power but renewable sources as wind, water and solar energy. Text and photos: Erik K Abrahamsen “Atomicpower ? –… Læs mere Peoples opposition against atomic power plants: postponed in 1976 and stopped in 1985 nuclear energy in Denmark
Visiting Hill Tribe White Maew Group near Chiang Mai july 1966
Four days stay overnight in Mae Nai Village 18. – 21 july 1966 Text and pictures Erik K Abrahamsen Click on the pictures and use your zoom control and you will see the pictures in full screen size and text on right side of photo disappear. I,… Læs mere Visiting Hill Tribe White Maew Group near Chiang Mai july 1966
Beskyt dig mod giftstoffer i dit nærmiljø
How to protect yourself against poisonous substances in your environment Tekst og fotos Erik K Abrahamsen Der er giftstoffer overalt på vor jordklode. Giftstofferne findes i den luft vi indånder, i det vand vi drikker og i den føde vi indtager. Mange af disse sundhedskadelige stoffer er kemiske forbindelser, som indgår i det… Læs mere Beskyt dig mod giftstoffer i dit nærmiljø