Oplev jul 2016 i Grå Hal i Christiania sammen med 1000 venner af fristaden

Experience Christmas 2016 in Christiania, Copenhagen together with 1000 friends of the freetown.   Tekst og foto’s Erik K Abrahamsen, 25. december 2016.     Jul 2016 i Grå Hal, Christiania, København:   Click på fotos og brug din zoom control og du ser dem i stort format og teksten i billedet højre side forsvinder.… Læs mere Oplev jul 2016 i Grå Hal i Christiania sammen med 1000 venner af fristaden

Kategoriseret som Kultur

Malerier af Per Baagøe 2016 – lys, hav og landskab får liv, farve og kraft i hans atelier i København

  Per Baagøe henter sine motiver  og sin inspiration fra sine indre erindringer fra lange ture alle årets dage i Odsherred, Rørvig, Isefjorden, Nord- og Vestsjællands Kattegat Kyst, Anholt, Amager Strand og Dragør.     Tekst og foto’s Erik K Abrahamsen.       Per Baagøe på Rørvig færgen august 2016:   Klik på foto’s… Læs mere Malerier af Per Baagøe 2016 – lys, hav og landskab får liv, farve og kraft i hans atelier i København

Kategoriseret som Kultur

Experience Copenhagen Inner Harbour late summer 2016 on foot, run and bike – splendid architecture, history, bridges, lawns and wharf for swim in harbour

Oplev Københavns Inderhavn sensommer 2016 til fods, under løb og på cykel – fantastisk arkitektur, historie, broer, græsplæner og bolværk med adgang til badning i havnen.       Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen 25. august 2016     In the last 20 years Copenhagen Inner Harbour has been open up for residences and… Læs mere Experience Copenhagen Inner Harbour late summer 2016 on foot, run and bike – splendid architecture, history, bridges, lawns and wharf for swim in harbour

Lodsoldermandsgaarden in Rørvig – built 1681 as Denmark´s oldest custom house and from 1845 pilot station of chief pilot of Isefjord

  Lodsoldermandsgaarden i Rørvig – bygget i 1681 som Danmarks ældste Toldkammerbygning og fra 1845 Lodsstation for lodsoldermanden i Isefjorden.     Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen.       My friend Per Baagøe have invited me to a day´s journey to his childhood village Rørvig. Per came by train from his home and… Læs mere Lodsoldermandsgaarden in Rørvig – built 1681 as Denmark´s oldest custom house and from 1845 pilot station of chief pilot of Isefjord

New walk-and bike bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” in Copenhagen Harbour connects Nyhavn and Christianshavn – spectacular design of beauty, style and function

    Ny gang- og cykelbro “Inderhavnsbroen” i Københavns Havn binder Nyhavn sammen med Christianshavn – blændende design af skønhed, stil og funktion.   Photos og text Erik K Abrahamsen.         After 3 years delay and after 5 years under construction walk- and bike bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” between Nyhavn and Christianshavn was opened… Læs mere New walk-and bike bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” in Copenhagen Harbour connects Nyhavn and Christianshavn – spectacular design of beauty, style and function

The Holy Bible´s teaching of death and grave – sheol (hebrew) in Old Testament and hades (greek) in New Testament.

Biblens lære om døden og dødsriget – sheol (hebraisk) i Gamle Testamente og hades (græsk) i Ny Testamente.   Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen.     Jesus reveals that he is MESSIAS  – Mesiah Yahwaeh (in hebrew), ho Christós (in greek language): Revelation (Apocalypse of Jesus Christ) chapter 1, verses 17-18: – Then he… Læs mere The Holy Bible´s teaching of death and grave – sheol (hebrew) in Old Testament and hades (greek) in New Testament.

Visit Aarhus – Denmark´s second largest city with Cathedral, Botanical Garden and The Old Town among the happiest people in the world

    Besøg Aarhus – Danmarks næststørste by med Domkirken, Botanisk Have, Latinerkvarteret, Vadestedet, Multihuset DOKK1 og Den Gamle By blandt verdens lykkeligste folk.               Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen.               Aarhus has been a principal harbour since Viking Age about 5-700… Læs mere Visit Aarhus – Denmark´s second largest city with Cathedral, Botanical Garden and The Old Town among the happiest people in the world

Copenhagen early spring 2016 – enjoy castles, squares, markets, Inner Harbour and parks among the happiest people on earth

København tidlig forår 2016 – nyd slotte, pladser, markeder, Inderhavnen og parker blandt det lykkeligste folk i verden.   Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen.     Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size and text on left right side disappear.       In march… Læs mere Copenhagen early spring 2016 – enjoy castles, squares, markets, Inner Harbour and parks among the happiest people on earth

Kategoriseret som Kultur

Fredensborg Castle winter 2016 – experience the unique baroque garden covered with snow, sun and blue sky

    Fredensborg Slot vinter 2016 – oplev den unikke barokhave dækket af sne, sol og blå himmel.                   Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen.                           Its winter in Denmark – down to minus 16… Læs mere Fredensborg Castle winter 2016 – experience the unique baroque garden covered with snow, sun and blue sky

Summer 2001 in Paris – a poetic atmosphere of beauty, love, joy and freedom

Sommer 2001 i Paris – en poetisk atmosfære af skønhed, kærlighed, glæde og frihed. Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen.     Late june 2001 I travelled by bus from Copenhagen, Denmark through Germany, Holland and Belgium to Paris. It took 17 hours to drive this 1200 km to Paris.    Ghotic Cathedral Notre-Dame de… Læs mere Summer 2001 in Paris – a poetic atmosphere of beauty, love, joy and freedom