Besøg i Dresden Altstadt sommer 2021 – oplev kultur, kunst og arkitektur i Zwinger barokanlæg, Semper Galerie, Semperoperaen, Renaissance Slottet, Frauenkirche og den 102 m lange og 5 m høje porcelænsfrise med alle konger i Sachsen 1123-1904.
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen
Frauenkirche, Neumarkt, Dresden Altstadt:
– The Church was built in style barocque 1726-43. Under allied air-raid 13-14. february 1945 destroyed and lay as an ruin until 1990 and then rebuilded and opened 30. october 2005:
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Its my first visit to Dresden. My best friends have invited me to celebrate their 19 years daughters bachelor degree after 3 years study of dance at PALUCCA Hochschule fur Tanz i Dresden.
We drove from Copenhagen by car at midnight 14. july 2021 and passed the Baltic Sea from Gedser to Warnemunde/Rostock at 4-6 am. From Rostock we drove through Mecklenburg/Vorpommeren and passed Brandenburg south to Dresden. Its was early morning with nearly empty autobahns, good weather and we arrived at 11 am after a driving distance on about 600 km.
We have planned to stay 10 days in Dresden. I have in months looked forwards to visit Dresden known of its famous history and its collections of the best of european art, architecture and music from renaissance , through barock, classicism until today. My great grandfather painter and sculptor Laurits Tuxen (1853-1927) visited Dresden in 1873 just a year after had terminated 4 years at Charlottenborg Danish Art School. He wanted to study the famous art collection in The Semper Galery of renaissance and 17-1800 painters from Italy, Spain, France, The Netherland and Germany:
Rafael, Tizian, Correggio, Paolo Veronese, Albrecht Durer, Rembrandt, Rubens, Hans Holbein the young, Nicolas Paussin, Andrew Watteau, Van Eyck, El Greco and Diego Velázquez.
Now I have as his great grandchild the opportunity to experience, what he studied.
Under my 10 days stay I have planned to visit the old city ALTSTADT, which is situated close to the southern borders of river Elben. I will enjoy in a relaxed mood the most famous buildings in Altstadt – from outside and from inside. This buildings are:
Zwinger, Semper Galery, Semperopera, Renaissance Castle, Furstenzug porcelain Frieze and Frauenkirche.
Dresden – capital of Sachsen, Germany.
Dresden is founded on the southern riverside of Elben in 1206. Situated at a ferry station at river Elben Dresden was through all centuries up to today an imported economic, commercial and cultural center with strong connections to neighboring German Principalities, Poland and Czechoslovakia.
Since 1485 Sachsen was a electorate with electors with all powers in their hands. The residents Castle was built 1548-56 in style renaissance by elector of Sachsen since 1553 August 1 (1526-86).
Elector of Sachsen 1694-1733 August 2 Mocny, The Strong (1670-1733) initiated a splendid baroque style construction era of new buildings and churches. The castle Zwinger was built 1710-28, The catholic Hofkirche built 1739-54 and the protestant Frauenkirche built 1726-43.
August 2 Mocny became king of Poland 1697-1706 and again 1709-33.
Stadt Dresden history:
The city Drezdany was founded 1206 on a former small fishing harbour at the river Elben close to a stonebridge passing river Elben.
Around 600 A.D. the first inhabitants “Sachsens” immigrated from lower Elben areas close to the North Sea to the upper areas of river Elben close to the mountains Erzgebirge.
Dresden became capital in the elorate Sachsen in 1485.
Dresden around 1700 at riverside of Elben:
Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
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Dresden around 1700 at riverside of Elben.
Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
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Dresden around 1700 at riverside of Elben:
Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
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Dresden around 1700 at riverside of Elben.
Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
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Dresden – view from plauteau Weisser Hirsch north of Elben to bridge Kurnerplats july 2021:
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Zwinger castle built 1710-28 by elector August 2 Mocny The Strong in style barocque:
Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie:
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Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie:
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Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie:
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Zwinger today.
Zwinger in july 2021:
View to Zwinger Wallpavillon built 1710:
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Zwinger Wallpavillon built 1710:
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At right KRONENTOR – an entrance under the polish crown:
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The upper part of KRONENTOR with the polish crown on top of four eagles with 4 statues symbolize the 4 seasons:
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View to Zwinger Wall Pavillon built 1710:
At right Semper Galerie.
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Zwinger and Semper Galerie at left in july 2021:
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Zwinger in july 2021 with Residential Palace in background:
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Zwinger Glockenspielpavillon with Deutche Pavillon and Porzellanpavillon built 1728:
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Exhibition in Glockenspielpavillon and Porzellanpavillon:
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Exhibition in Deutche Pavillon and Porzellanpavillon:
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Exhibition in Deutche Pavillon and Porzellanpavillon:
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Exhibition in Deutche Pavillon and Porzellanpavillon:
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Exhibition in Deutche Pavillon and Porzellanpavillon:
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Exhibition in Deutche Pavillon and Porzellanpavillon:
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Exhibition in Deutche Pavillon and Porzellanpavillon:
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Exhibition in Deutche Pavillon and Porzellanpavillon:
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Paintings in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie:
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Paintings in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie:
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Sculptor in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie:
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Paintings and Sculptors in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie:
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Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
Raphael and the Madonna:
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Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
Raphael and the Madonna:
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Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
Raphael and the Madonna:
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Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
Jesus birth in Bethlehem:
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Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
Jesus is baptised in Jordan River:
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Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
Jesus preach:
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Painting in Gemalde Galerie Alte Meister in Semper Galerie.
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Golgata:
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Semperoper located between Zwinger and river Elben. First built 1838-41 by architect Gottfried Semper, burnt 1869 and reconstructed by his son Manfred Semper 1871-78:
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Semperoper located between Zwinger and river Elben:
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Semperoper – inside:
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Semperoper – inside:
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Semperoper – inside:
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View from Theaterplatz to Hofkirche /Kathedrale built by elector and king of Poland August 2 Mocny The Strong 1739-54:
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Spire af Sophienkirche in front of Zwinger Glockenspielpavillon with Deutche Pavillon and Porzellanpavillon built 1728:
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New buildings on the former ground af Sophienchurch:
At left spire of Sophienchurch.
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The renaissance Residential Palace on Theaterplatz built in style renaissance by elector August 1 1548-56:
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The night between 13. – 14. february 1945 1000 american and english airplanes bombed Dresden. !5 km2 of the old city Altstadt were destroyed. Fire burned in 5 days and destroyed large part of Dresden with at least 40.000 died.
The destruction of Renaissance Residential Palace on Theater Platz and Hofkirce with surroundings:
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Residentital Palace in Dresden Altstadt:
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Residentital Palace in Dresden Altstadt:
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Treasures inside the Palace:
The renaissance Residential Palace on Theaterplatz built in style renaissance by elector August 1 1548-56:
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Residential Palacxein Dresden Altstadt:
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Residental Castle in Dresden Altstadt:
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Residential Palace in Dresden Altstadt:
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Residental Palace in Dresden Altstadt:
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Residential Palace in Dresden Altstadt:
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Residential Palace in Dresden Altstadt:
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Furstenzug, 102 m long and 5 m high porcelain Frieze in Augustusstr. – view of all Sachsen electors 1123-1904:
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Furstenzug, 102 m long and 5 m high porcelain Frieze in Augustusstr. – view of all Sachsen electors 1123-1904:
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Furstenzug, 102 m long and 5 m high porcelain Frieze in Augustusstr. – view of all Sachsen electors 1123-1904:

Elector and king of Poland Auguste 2 Mocny, The Strong 1694-1733 and his son Augustus 3:
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Furstenzug, 102 m long and 5 m high porcelain Frieze in Augustusstr. – view of all Sachsen electors 1123-1904:
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Frauenkirche, Neumarkt, Dresden Altstadt:
– The Church was built in style barocque 1726-43. Under allied air-raid 13-14. february 1945 destroyed and lay as an ruin until 1990 and then rebuilded and opened 30. october 2005:

Frauenkirche, Neumarkt, Dresden Altstadt:
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I enjoyed my visit to Dresden:
Ten days with and close to the best in european art, culture, music, dance and architecture through more than 800 years.
And experience my friends 19 years daughter´s “Studienabschlussfeier 2021” and receiving her bachelor degree in modern and classic dance at PALUCCA Hochschule fur Tanz, Dresden on Palucca Sommerbuhne 17. juli and 23. juli 2021:
PALUCCA Hochschule fur Tanz, Dresden – on Palucca Sommerbuhne:
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I hope that you have enjoyed my story.
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen Copyright 2023
All rights reserved
Enjoy life – be happy!
Melby, Northsealand, Denmark 6. january 2023
Best wishes