How I rectified years of bad habits of my basic golf swings through 12 systematic training sessions once a week within 3 months – instructed by a professional golf trainer.
Hvordan korrigerede jeg mange års dårlige vaner i mine basale golfsving gennem 12 systematiske trænings sessioner en gang om ugen i 3 måneder – ledet og undervist af professionel golftræner?
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen, may 2021
View to Asserbo Golf Club:
View to Club House, driving range at left, putting green and tee area HOLE 1 at right on photo.
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Asserbo Golf Club. Founded 1946 with 9 holes and from 1993 18 holes. Photo in direction west 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen
In august 2014, I – 69 years old begun to play golf full time on 18-hole golf Course in Asserbo Golf Club, North Sealand, Denmark. I received golf lessons in basic swing technique with driver and iron golf clubs and learned to use the golf clubs in different strokes as pitch, chips and putting.
After 5 years of playing golf regularly twice a week on the 18-hole golf course Asserbo Gulf Club, I lost my ability of improving my personal play caused by unstable basic golf swing technique with hooked, sliced and topped golf balls.
October 2019 I contacted a professional golf trainer in Asserbo Gulf Club to advice me, how I could stop my bad golf swing habits and how to improve my basic golf swing. He advised me to begin a 3 months systematic golf training program with a 20 min. golf lesson every week and train on my own on the 18-hole golf course between the weekly golf lessons.
On 17. october 2019 I started the 3 month training program and had my first 20 min. outdoor golf lesson by professional golf trainer of Asserbo Golfclub .
After every 20 min. golf lesson the trainer gave me 3 advices to put focus on my play on the 18-hole golf course the week between the 2 lessons.
I followed this 3 months training program through the autumn and winter 2019-20 (october, november, december and january).
When I came home in my house I wrote in my notebook, what the prof. golf trainer had learned me in the 20 min. golf lesson.
Asserbo Golf Club – warm up before start of Denmark Tournament 2021 (Danmarkturneringen 2021), saturday 8. may 2021:
View from clubhouse outdoor restaurant to putting green, driving range at right and HOLE 1 at left:
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Asserbo Golf Club. View from verandah of outdoor restaurant to putting green area, driving range and at left HOLE 1. Photo in direction east 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
Here I will give you a resumé of all what I learned and got of advices from my 12 lessons of 20 min. golf lessons between 17. october 2019 and 24. january 2020:
A. Stands (Position)
B. Backswing
C. Downswing
D. Hitting the ball with driver and iron club
E. The finish
To illustrate the different golf swing I will invite you to join me as spectator to Denmark Tournament 2021 (Danmark turneringen 2021) on HOLE 1,2,3,4 and 9 on Asserbo Golf Club saturday 8. may 2021.
We will follow a foursome match between Copenhagen Golf Club (2 junior golfer, 14 and 16 years old) and Asserbo Golf Club (2 senior golfer plus 50 years old).
Driving Range –
Denmark Tournament (Danmarksturneringen) 2021 on Asserbo Golf Club saturday 8. may 2021.
Extracts from my notes from my golf lessons october-january 2019-20:
Her er uddrag fra min notesbog mellem medio oktober 2019 til january 2020:
A. Stands (Position):
1. The ball in central line (some variations on irons 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) between the feet and with head of golf club in the right angle to ball and ground.
2. Now stand with most of your body weight on middle foot – not on heel. It gives you maximum speed of club in downswing, when you release your body (foot, leg, hip and body rotation) energy forces to EXPLOTION just before (about 30 cm) IMPACT.
3. Hands about 10 cm. in front of ball. Hip moves in front of the ball (in impact direction) with hip light tilted so arms and hands are in front of the ball – around 10 cm.
4. Light bended knee and a TILTED body around 60-75 degrees and with a distance between club and thigh (about 20 cm), that you can turn freely in backward, downward and hitting (impact) swing until The Finish movement. Keep your hip backwards in the same position throughout the club swing in entire SWING CIRCEL.
Stands (Position):
Driving Range.
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Stands: Asserbo Golf Club, Driving Range, Denmark Tournament 2021. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
Extracts from my notes from my golf lessons october-january 2019-20:
1. TURN shoulders to right and with stretch arms carry the club back in a straight line close to right part of body and thigh up to horizontal and from there still in a smooth, relaxed and slowly movement hight up and out to CIRCLE PLANE.
2. Important that the left arm is stretched through the entire TURN and that the angle between underarm and hands i STRAIGHT with a straight line between left side of hand and left side of underarm.
3. IMPORTANT: Don´t move body backward (sideways), but have a straight vertical line from top of your head to the ground in the backswing and keep the TILT through backswing, downswing and hitting the ball swing until the final part of THE FINISH.
4. TURN shoulders at right without letting left part of shoulders drop down and TURN hips at right with the upper part of body TURNED to EXTENSION in direction RIGHT. TILT of angel between upper body and under body shall be the same from Stands to Backswing.
Driving Range.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.
BACKSWING: Driving Range, Asserbo Golf Club. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen,
Extracts from my notes from my golf lessons october-january 2019-20:
My danish version:
Copy from my article on my homepage (click on text):
Her er uddrag fra min notesbog mellem medio oktober 2019 til january 2020:
A, B, C, D and E:
Stance, Tilbagesving, Fremsving, Gennemsving og Finish:
1. Stance:
Bolden skal ligge lidt mere midt mellem fødderne (jernkølle 8) og i den rigtige vinkel til køllehoved.
2. Tilbagesving:
Drej (TURN) skuldrene rigtigt – en drej mod højre hvor strakte arme fører køllehoved og skaft lige bagud tilpas tæt mod kroppen. Vigtig at venstre håndled har den rigtige vinkel til underarm. Forbindelsen mellem venstre underarm og håndled skal være en LIGE linie langs lillefingersiden og en LIGE line mellem underarm og håndfladens overside.
3. Fremsving og gennemsving:
Nedsving “tæt” mod højre lår hvor kroppen (underkrop) styrer drejningen og begge hænder først “aktiveres” kort før bolden rammes (ca. 30 cm før) i den rette vinkel mod bolden så jorden (græsset) først rammes 1-3 cm EFTER attack af bolden (vinkel ca. minus 2-3 grader). Det er kroppens venstre side med venstre arm der er aktiveret og hvor venstre underarm og håndled er strakte som i et slag med en baseball kølle. Når bolden rammes er begge hænder FORAN bolden i slå retningen ud for VENSTRE strakte ben. I gennemsvinget føres kølleskaft ind under kroppen og i opsvinget efter at bolden er ramt skal køllehoved og skaft føres lige frem og UD så køllehoved “rammer” SVINGCIRKLEN og føres højt over hovedet med STABIL vægt på hele VENSTRE fod og med støtte på højre fods tåspids. Efter at bolden er ramt løftes hoved og krop langsomt op i slå retningen og hele kroppen (ben, hofter, mave og overkrop) vender lige frem i slå retningen med bryst og skuldre afslappet.
a. Det er køllehovedets VINKEL mod underlag og bold, der fører bolden i LIGE retning, HØJT og LANGT flyvende gennem luften.
b. Hænderne i den rigtig vinkel med underarmene ( de lige linier mellem venstre underarm og venstre hænders lillefingerside og overside) skal FØRST aktiveres lige før kontakt med bolden i fremsvinget og det er VENSTRE arm og hånd, der styrer bevægelsen lige før attack af bolden.
c. Gennemsvinget er en GLIDENDE bevægelse styret af underkroppen ( fødder, ben og hofter ), hvor overkrop og arme blot følger med underkroppen. Der udføres vægtskift fra højre fod til venstre fod, underkrop føres ca. 10 cm lige frem i slå retningen samtidig med en drejning mod venstre i hoften (bækken), overkrop og skuldre.
d. Langsomt tilbagesving og fremsving og gennemsving i et tempo så kroppen kan “NÅ” at udføre vægtskift, nedsving, gennemsving og opsving i EEN GLIDENDE bevægelse. I tilbagesvinget er det kroppens HØJRE side som aktiveres. Det er kun et let vægtskift til højre fod, hvor det er vigtigt at kroppen ikke føres mod højre men bevare sit vertikale tyndepunkt som i STANCE og hvor drejningen mod højre sker omkring dette vertikale tyngdepunkt.
Min golftræners råd – kun 2-3 nye (også tidligere) fokus områder mellem hver lektion gennem alle 10-uger:
1. Vinklen mellem hænder og underarm skal være rigtig.
2. Drejning helt til højre med overkrop hvor HELE ryggen vender mod slå retningen.
3. Kølleskaft højt op i den rigtige vinkel mod underlag i hele tilbagesvinget.
Nedsving “tæt” mod højre lår hvor kroppen (underkrop) styrer drejningen og begge hænder først “aktiveres” kort før bolden rammes (ca. 30 cm før) i den rette vinkel mod bolden så jorden (græsset) først rammes 1-3 cm EFTER attack af bolden (vinkel ca. minus 2-3 grader). Det er kroppens venstre side med venstre arm der er aktiveret og hvor venstre underarm og håndled er strakte som i et slag med en baseball kølle. Når bolden rammes er begge hænder FORAN bolden i slå retningen ud for VENSTRE strakte ben. I gennemsvinget føres kølleskaft ind under kroppen og i opsvinget efter at bolden er ramt skal køllehoved og skaft føres lige frem og UD så køllehoved “rammer” SVINGCIRKLEN og føres højt over hovedet med STABIL vægt på hele VENSTRE fod og med støtte på højre fods tåspids. Efter at bolden er ramt løftes hoved og krop langsomt op i slå retningen og hele kroppen (ben, hofter, mave og overkrop) vender lige frem i slå retningen med bryst og skuldre afslappet.
Frem – gennemsving:
Roligt i en glidende bevægelse i cirkelplanet ind mod kroppen og frem uden at bruge højre hånd, som blot skal følge med venstre hånd og arm som styrer bevægelsen. Højre hånd må ikke aktiveres – højre hånd og arm må ikke styre da det vil påvirke køllehoved til venstre og højre ( medfører utilsiget hook og slice) og ramme BAG bolden ( medfører at bolden toppes).
Under gennemsvinget i cirkelplanet er overkroppen bøjet (tiltet) med strakte arme med lige linier fra underarm og ud over håndryg og håndens venstre side (lillefingerside) af venstre arm. Bolden rammes med kølleskaft og hænder ud for venstre fod og FORAN bolden.
Fremsvinget afsluttes stående på venstre fod og med begge arme strakte ud mod venstre og med højre håndled bøjet over venstre hånds håndryg. Begge skuldre er afslappede og må ikke løftes op under halsen. Slaget afsluttes stående med den meste vægt på venstre fod i god balance med højre fods tåspids på jorden. Analyser dit sving og bemærk dine hænders placering.
VIGTIGT: Afslutningssvinget.
Svinget i cirkelbuen afsluttes med højre hånd og underarm der “RULLER” strakt over den venstre arm og hånd højt ud til venstre for kroppen med skuldrene nede og stående på venstre fod i balance.
C and D:
Fremsving og gennemsving:
Roligt og glidende. Hold skuldrene afslappet nede og “åben” overkroppen i den rigtige vinkel mellem over- og underkrop (TILT).
TILT (vinklen mellem overkrop og underkrop) ca. 60-75 grader – ikke under idet der skal være bevægelsesfrihed i tilbage-, frem-, gennem- og afslutningssving.
E. Afslutningssving og finish:
Afslutningen af svinget er igen med overkroppen EXTENDED (udstrakt) og hele kroppen er stående og vender lige frem i slå retningen, mens arme og kølleskaft er højt over hovedet med afslappede skuldre.
C. Fremsving:
Nu er der mere plads til kroppens rotation og vægtskift fra højre til venstre fod, hvor kroppen føres 10-15 cm frem i slå retningen. Kølleskaft føres frem tæt på højre lår og høje hofte og overkrop. Overkroppen er TILTET (bøjet).Kraften i slaget kommer fra fødder, ben og hofter samt rotationen i overkrop, som sammen med de strakte arme blot følger med underkroppen. Først ca. 20-30 cm før bolden rammes aktiveres hænderne hvor underkrop og overkrop “eksploderer” i drejningen frem i slå retningen.
Bolden rammes hvor SVING CIRKLENS nederste punkt ligger ca. 2-3 cm FORAN bolden i slå retning. Det vises på TRACKMAN med minusgrader i anslag på 3-6 minusgrader ( klik på tekst: ). Med DRIVER skal bolden rammes i svingcirklen FØR bolden, hvilket på TRACKMAN måles i plusgrader. På TRACKMAN vises køllehovedets vinkel i ATTACK (anslagsøjeblik) med RØD pil, mens kølleskaft og køllehovedets vinkel når det rammer bolden indefra og ud eller udefra og ind vises med BLÅ pile.
Begge strakte arme føres helt frem i slå retningen mens overkroppen hurtigt EXTENDERES (udstrækkes) og hele kroppen vender frem i slå retningen med skuldre nede og køllehoved og skaft højt over hovedet – “fryses”. Stå fast i balance på venstre fod mens højre fods tå blot støtter på underlaget. Bliv stående og nyd slaget!
Huske regel for tilbage-, frem-, gennem- og afslutningssving:
C and D. Downswing and hitting the ball (Impact):
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Driving Range, Asserbo Golf Club. Photo in direction east 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen
My english version:
Extracts from my notes from my golf lessons october-january 2019-20:
C and D.
Downswing and hitting the ball with iron club (Impact):
1. Downswing close to right side of body and thigh, where the TILTED body (feet, legs and hips) TURN hips to left and move the body around 10 cm in forward direction to attack the ball in an EXPLOSIVE movement performed around 30 cm before IMPACT in the same smooth, relaxed and gliding movement.
2. It is the LEFT side of the body and the left stretch arm activated in downswing and impact of the ball.
3. At impact the arms and hands are about 10-15 cm in front of the ball and the stretch left leg.
4. In impact the body is tilted and the club is moved under the TILTED body in a straight forward direction.
E. The finish:
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Driving Range, Asserbo Golf Club. Photo in direction east 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen
E. The finish:
1. After IMPACT the body continue being TILTED until the club is horizontal in forward direction with stretched both arms, then the head is turned forward and the club is moved to the outer position of the SWING CIRCEL.
2. The body TURN forward and upwards in a smooth and relaxed movement with the shoulders relaxed.
3. In FINISH the club is high over the head with whole body EXTENDED and left leg stretched and left foot in balanced position on the ground with right foot toe on the ground.
To illustrate the different golf swing I will invite you to join me as spectator to Denmark Tournament 2021 on HOLE 1,2,3,4 and 9 on Asserbo Golf Club saturday 8. may 2021.
We will follow a foursome match between Copenhagen Golf Club (2 juniors golfer 14 and 16 years old) and Asserbo Golf Club (2 senior golfer plus 50 years old).
HOLE 1, par 4, gul 320 m, rød 298 m:
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Hole 1, Asserbo Golf Club. Denmark Tournament 2021, foursome. Photo in direction east 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 1, par 4, gul 320 m, rød 298 m:
Foursome juniors, tee shot with iron club by 16 year old junior.
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HOLE 1, Asserbo Golf Club. Foursome. Photo in direction east 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 1, par 4, gul 320 m, rød 298 m:
Foursome juniors, tee shot with iron club by 16 year old junior.
Hitting the ball with iron club and the finish.
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Hole 1, Asserbo Golf Club. Foursome. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 1, yellow 320 m: This tee shot – a 245 m long shot with a iron club – by junior 16 year old golfer landed around 75 m before green.
HOLE 1, par 4, gul 320 m, rød 298 m:
Foursome, second shot senior golfer – about 160 m to green.
Backswing, downswing and hitting the ball with iron club:
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HOLE 1. Senior golfer second shot, about 160 m to green. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 1, par 4, gul 320 m, rød 298 m:
Foursome, second shot junior golfer (14 years old) – about 75 m to green.
Downswing and hitting the ball with iron club (wedge)
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Hole 1, foursome, second shot, 14 year junior golfer- about 75 m to green. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen
HOLE 1, par 4, gul 320 m, rød 298 m:
Foursome, third shot to green by junior golfer (16 years old ).
Chip shot with iron club (wedge).
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HOLE 1, chip shot to green with wedge, third shot by 16 year old junior. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen
HOLE 2, par 4, gul 332 m, rød 273 m:
Foursome, junior golfer14 years old, tee shot with driver.
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HOLE 2. Tee shot with driver, foursome junior. Photo in direction south 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 1, par 4, gul 320 m, rød 298 m:
Foursome, third shot junior golfer (16 years old).
Chip shot with iron club (wedge).
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HOLE 2, par 4, gul 332 m, rød 273 m:
Foursome, junior golfer 16 years old, second iron shot.
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HOLE 2, second shot, The finish with iron shot junior 16 years old. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 3, par 4, gul 370 m, rød 325 m:
Tee shot with driver, junior golfer 16 years old.
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HOLE 3,Tee shot, driver shot, the finish by junior 16 years old. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 3, par 4, gul 370 m, rød 325 m:
Preparing for second shot with iron club, junior golfer 14 years old, front at left.
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HOLE 3. Preparing for second shot with iron club by junior golfer 14 year old front at left. Photo in direction east 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 3, par 4, gul 370 m, rød 325 m.
Second shot with iron club, senior golfer at right:
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Hole 3. Senior golfer 2. shot iron shot at right. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 3, par 4, gul 370 m, rød 325 m:
Putting on green, junior golfer 16 years old.
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HOLE 3, putting on green by junior 16 years old. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 4, par 3, gul 198 m, rød 174 m.
Tee shot with iron club by junior golfer, 14 years old – ball touched down on green.
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HOLE 4, tee shot with iron club, junior 14 years old. Photo in direction east 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 4, par 3, gul 198 m, rød 174 m.
Pitch shot with wedge to green by senior golfer.
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HOLE 4. Pitch shot to green by senior golfer. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 4, par 3, gul 198 m, rød 174 m.
Putting on green.
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HOLE 4. Putting on green. Photo in direction to HOLE 7 in background the 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 9, par 5, gul 483m, rød 399m.
Preparing driver tee shot a by junior golfer 16 years old.
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HOLE 9. Preparing driver tee shot by 16 year junior golfer. Photo in direction west 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 9, par 5, gul 483m, rød 399m.
Driver tee shot by junior golfer, 16 years old.
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HOLE 9. Driver tee shot by junior golfer 16 year old. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 9, par 5, gul 483m, rød 399m.
Second iron shot by junior golfer, 14 years old.
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HOLE 9. Second iron shot by junior golfer, 14 years old at right on photo. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 9, par 5, gul 483m, rød 399m.
Third iron shot by senior golfer:
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HOLE 9. Third shot by senior golfer. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 9, par 5, gul 483m, rød 399m.
Third iron shot wedge by junior golfer, 16 years old.
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HOLE 9. Third iron shot wedge by junior golfer 16 years old. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 9, par 5, gul 483m, rød 399m.
Play around and on Green area.
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Hole 9. Playing around and on green. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
HOLE 9, par 5, gul 483m, rød 399m.
Play around and on Green area.
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HOLE 9. Putting on green. Photo 8. may 2021 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
This foursome match between Copenhagen Golf Club two junior players and Asserbo Golf Club two senior players continued. After the first 9 holes Asserbo Golf senior players leads ONE UP.
I have written this article to inspire you to continue to improve your golf play and never give up learning.
Important for me is my home exercise training, which include 5 elements: (duration is your own choice)
1. Condition (physical fitness), 5 min.
2. Stretching, 4 positions: standing, sitting, on your knee and laying on the floor (ground), 30 min.
3. Weight-lifting, 10 min.
4. Breathing exercises, 3 min.
5. Depth relaxation, 15 min.
This home exercise training program you can read in my article in danish on my homepage (click on text):
I hope you have enjoyed my lessons and my walk as spectator on golf event “Danish Golf Tournament 2021” (Danmarksturneringen 2021) on Asserbo Golf Club.