Indtryk af livet i Danmark under første og andet corona Covid-19 lockdown fra 11. marts 2020 til 11. marts 2021.
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen.
Copenhagen, Kalvebod Brygge.
Outdoor teaching of 8´ grade of basic school under first danish lockdown:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

The coronavirus Covid 19 has hit the world as a pandemic since december 2019.
All governments of the world 200 nations have taken precautions to avoid spreading of the Covid-19 virus, which may cause sickness of different gravity depending of age and the person individual body condition.
The precautions meant strict regulations of daily life of all inhabitants on work, at home and in spare-time occupation.
I will give you some impressions of the daily life in Denmark under this 2 danish lockdowns between 11. march 2020 and 11. march 2021.
A. The FIRST DANISH LOCKDOWN from 11. march until 7. june 2020:
The first danish patient covid-19 was a journalist working on danish TV2 station in Copenhagen. He returned from ski holiday in Lombardy, North Italy 24. february 2020. He was detected covid-19 positive 27. february 2020 and he and all his contacts under his 2-6 days of incubation time working on the TV2 station were sent in isolation in their respectively homes.
In the weeks 8-10: from 17. february – 9. march hundreds of danes returned from winter ski holidays in Austria (Ischgl ski resort) and Northern Italy. Many were detected covid-19 positive and the danish health authorities recommended all infected in voluntary isolation in their homes for a period of 14 days.
On wednesday march 11, 2020 World Health Organisation WHO declared coronavirus COVID-19 a Pandemic.
The same evening at 20.30 PM on wednesday march 11, 2020 the danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen addressed all danes on direct television on a press conference about the danish government plan of 4 phases to avoid a unlimited spread of coronavirus covid -19 in the danish population:
The danish government closed all borders of Denmark saturday 14. march 2020 11.59 AM. All borders are open for in- and outgoing goods but closed for tourists.
This radical steps are to prevent the spreading of coronavirus to the danish population.
From 13-18 march 2020 the danish government ordered all schools, universities and children gardens etc. closed in minimum 4 weeks and ban all gathering of more than 10 people:
13. march 2020:
Lockdown of all schools and education institutions of all levels.
Lockdown of all public working places except critical workplaces. Work at home.
16. march:
Lockdown of all indoor public institutions, churches and praying halls and rooms of all faiths.
17. march 2020:
Restricted travel advices about all 196 countries in the world marked with red and orange colors of arias of dangerous covid -19 outbreak.
Advice to 14 days on quarantine at home after travelling form a covid-19 red and orange area.
18. march:
Lockdown of restaurants, bars, cafes, pubs, waterpipe-room and nightclubs.
Lockdown of shopping centers and big departments stores.
Lockdown of all indoors spare time recreation centers as swimming pool, swim-and play haal, cinemas, theatre, fitness- and solarcenters.
The danish government call all danes to act with responsibility in the daily life:
Keep distance of around 6 feet to all people – infected or not infected with coronavirus (all people are to be LOOKED as infected by coronavirus, COVID-19 – even when they are NOT infected).
Wash you hands after touching handle and railing. Don´t handshake. When you cough do it in a throwaway serviette or in your elbow 6 feet from other people.
Don´t kiss and squeeze.
Use disposable gloves – in your home, on work and when you are shopping.
When you are in close contact under 1 m distance to a person you must use safeguard protection as gloves and mask around mouth, nose and eyes.
But don´t be panic – relax, use your common sense and act with great responsibility. Most children, young people and adults will if infected with coronarvirus only get mild symptoms as cold, fever and tired.
All the above measurements are to hinder a sudden and wide spread epidemic of coronavirus and to protect elder people of plus 60 years and all people with a reduced immunes system, reduced lung capacity and patients undergoing cancer treatment.
Reopening af Denmark in 2 phases:
PHASE 1 of reopening Denmark:
Controlled reopening of the danish lockdown in phase 1 – period (13. april – 11. may 2020):
13. april 2020:
Controlled reopening of children gardens age 1-6 years old, schoolchildren in 0-5 grade classes (6-11 years old) and special classes for special education.
16. april:
Reopening of liberal occupation, law courts, research, laboratories and outdoors visiting by relatives in homes for elderly people.
PHASE 2 of reopening Denmark:
Controlled reopening of the danish lockdown in phase 2, period (part 1: 11-20. may 2020 and part 2: 21. may – 7. june 2020):
20. may 2020:
All restaurants, pubs and cafes with social distance of 1 m (3 feet).
All school classes 6-10 grade.
All gymnasiums (grammar schools and high schools).
Public Libraries.
All outdoor athletics, sport and games.
All community of religion.
All continuation schools.
Gatherings and meetings max. 10-50 persons and 1 m distance.
All outdoor big gathering with more than 50 people are forbidden until 31. august 2020, such as sport events, music festival etc. Excluded is public outdoor political demonstrations according to the Danish Constitution of 5. june 1849 concerning free speech.
One year after the 11. march 2021 is big gathering still forbidden. Excluded is still outdoor political demonstrations with more than 50 people.
Partial reopening between 7. june 2020 until 17. december 2020:
Open up restaurants from 7. june 2020.
Amager Square and Højbro Square in Copenhagen City – view to Christiansborg Castle with the highest spire 106 m in Copenhagen:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Open up restaurants from 7. june 2020.
Christianshavn Canal, Copenhagen:
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Open up restaurants from 7. june 2020.
Nyhavn Canal built 1672-74 to trade and commerce, Copenhagen:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

B. The SECOND DANISH LOCKDOWN started 17. december 2020 and
the partial reopening started 1. march 2021 and is ongoing through april, may and june 2021 with intensive Covid-19 TESTING, DISCOVERY and ISOLATION of all danish inhabitants of all ages, tourits, cross border workers and drivers on lories and trucks passing danish borders with goods.
Vaccinations against Covid-19 virus begun 27. december 2020 with priority of the most vulnerable of people of all ages and all people working in high risky institutions and society critical jobs as hospitals, elder care units, police etc.
11. march 2021 more than 500.000 has received the Covid-19 vaccination – its about 8% of the entire danish population. Its the danish government plan that all danes will be vaccinated before 15. august 2021 (Adjusting by danish government 11. march 2021).
Here is my impressions under 1 year with 2 lockdowns
from 11. march 2020-7. june 2020 and again 17. december 2020-11. march 2021 and one partial reopening between 7. june 2020 until 17. december 2020:
Its a PHOTO STORY about empty streets with few people and few cars in all danish cities and many people enjoying spare-time in nature on walk, run, bike and exercise all over Denmark:
1. Impressions from streets, squares and Inner Harbour in Copenhagen City,
2. Impressions from parks and lakes (blue/green areas) in Copenhagen,
3. Impressions from nature localities in North Sealand – lakes, fjords, sea and forest.
1. Impressions from streets, squares and Inner Harbour in Copenhagen City.
Christiansborg Plads.
View to Christiansborg Castle and square – few cars and few people on streets:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Højbro Plads.
– few cars and few people on streets:
View to Højbro Square and Statue of Absalon on horse – ruler and founder of Copenhagen 1167 A. C.:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Kongens Nytorv founded 1672-80 by King Christian 5.
– few cars and few people on streets:
Kings new Square with statue of King of Denmark and Norway Christian 5, rulesd 1670-99:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Nyhavn Harbour – built by King Christian 5 1670-74 for trade and commerce:
All restaurant closed – no serving inside or outside:
No people or tourists!
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

2. Impressions from parks and lakes (blue/green areas) in Copenhagen.
Kastellet Fortress at Copenhagen Harbour entrance.
Kastellet Fortress built 1620-64 by King Christian 4 (1588-1648) and King Frederik 3 (1648-70).
View to main entrance, moats and ramparts:
Spar-time exercises: walk, run and bike.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Kastellet Fortress ramparts near the main entrance.
Outdoor training between ramparts of the fortress:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Kastellet Fortress at Copenhagen Harbour entrance.
Kastellet Fortress built 1620-64 by King Christian 4 (1588-1648) and King Frederik 3 (1648-70):
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

3. Impressions from nature localities in North Sealand – lakes, fjords, sea and forest.
Gribskov forest, North sealand winter january 2021 – play, go ski-ing and sledging:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Gribskov forest, North sealand winter january 2021 – play, go ski-ing and sledging:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Store Gribsø – Big Grib Lake in Gribskov forest – winter january 2021:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Arresø – Arre Lake, North Sealand Winter 14. february 2021:
Iceboats, skating and play on the 25 cm thick ice covering all the largest lake in Denmark:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Tibirke Bakker.
View from top of 58 m high “Udsigten”, Tibirke Bakker to Arresø in spring march 2021:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Liseleje Beach, North Sealand – view to kitesurfing on Kattegat Sea spring march 2021:
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Liseleje Beach, North Sealand – view to kitesurfing on Kattegat Sea and play on beach spring march 2021:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Liseleje Beach, North Sealand – view in direction north to kitesurfing on Kattegat Sea spring march 2021:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Liseleje Beach, North Sealand – view in direction east to Kattegat Sea, Tisvilde Hegn and Tisvildeleje in horizon and play in the dunes spring march 2021:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

EKSTRA PHOTOS from Liseleje Beach the first week-end sunday 14. march 2021 1 pm in the “NEW YEAR” with corona Covid-19 in Denmark – HAPPY families IN NATURE:
Liseleje beach, North Sealand.
View in direction east to Tisvilde Hegn, Tisvildeleje and Kullen cliffs in Sweden in horizon.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Liseleje Beach, North Sealand – view in direction north to Kattegat Sea spring 14. march 1 pm 2021:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Liseleje Beach, North Sealand – view in direction west spring sunday 14. march 1 pm 2021:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Road through the dunes from parking area to the beach at Kattegat Sea sunday 14. march 1 pm 2021:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View from top of 30 m high Store Karlsminde cliffs to Isefjorden and Roskilde Fjord, North Sealand:
Spare-time angling in Roskilde Fjord spring march 2021:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Spare-time angling in Roskilde Fjord at St. Karlsminde Cliffs spring march 2021:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

What have we learnt about corona Covid-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) since the first outbreak i december 2019:
1. the virus SARS-CoV-2 mutate (Brasil B.1.1.28, South African B.1.351, Spain B.1.177 and U.K B.1.1.7) and is extremely infectious indoor and outdoor. Most infections spread in private homes, among social contacts among families and friends. See: (click on text)
2. indoor is about 10 times more infectious as outdoor caused spreading through aerosols, which is micro drops spreading indoor and stay permanently without ventilation in a distance of 8 meters.
3. the virus invade the body cells through the respiratory system: nose, trachea, bronchis and lungs and multiply i billions.
4. young and healthy persons have few severe symptoms and are in good recovery after few days.
5. elder people plus 70 years old are more vulnerable of getting a severe infectious disease with a long sickness period and bad prognoses.
6. people with this 5 bodily conditions with severe reductions of vital body systems are extremely vulnerable of getting a severe illness with intensive care treatment during weeks in respirator and with risk of death. This 5 body conditions are: overweight, high blood pressure, diabetes, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and cancer. Click on text: Certain Medical Conditions and Risk for Severe COVID-19 Illness |
Statistics 11. march 2021: Since start of Corona Covid-19 pandemic in february 2020 in Denmark: 218.660 infected with Covid-19, about 12.700 treated with Covid-19 on hospitals and 2384 died infected with Covid-19. Testet persons 4.567.988. (PCR tests 18.710.990 and antigentests:1.052.569). Source: (click on tex)t Coronatal: nøgletal, indlæggelser og kapacitet –
Citat fra artiklen:
Aerosolerne er virussens ‘fragtfirma’
Den nye SARS-CoV-2-coronavirus er lillebitte – cirka 0,1 mikrometer i diameter. 1 mikrometer er en milliontedel af en meter, så der går 1.000 mikrometer på 1 millimeter.
De aerosoler, vi producerer, når vi taler, ånder og hoster, er som regel mellem 0,7 og 10 mikrometer store. De er usynlige for det blotte øje, og de kan med største lethed svæve i luften.
Partiklerne består hovedsageligt af biologiske væsker fra vores mund, svælg og lunger, og de kan indeholde lidt af virussens genetiske materiale.
Forskerne ved ikke, hvor mange individuelle stykker af SARS-CoV-2 en aerosol der er i en smittet persons host.
Kopi slut.
Certain Medical Conditions and Risk for Severe COVID-19 Illness |
WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard | WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Novel coronavirus, COVID-19 – Danish Health
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention
aerosol | – Den Store
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention
Coronavirus bevæger sig gennem luften som mikroskopiske drå
Det skal du vide om aerosoler | Tandlæ
Q&A: How is COVID-19 transmitted?
I hope you have enjoyed my impressions under first and second corona Covid-19 pandemic lockdown of all Denmark 11. march 2020 -11. march 2021.
SPRING AND SUMMER 2021 are near:
View at sunset Liseleje Beach and Kattegat Sea, North Sealand august 2020.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

På min hjemmeside har jeg skrevet følgende artikler om sundhed: (klik på tekst)
Enjoy life – be happy!
Never give up – the beauty of life is at your hands!
Nyd livet – vær lykkelig!
Aldrig giv op – livets skønhed er lige foran dig!
Text and photos copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2021
All rights reserved
Melby, North Sealand 9. march 2021
Best wishes
Updated 14. marts 2021