Oversigt over coronavirus covid-19 pandemic i Denmark fra lockdown 11. marts 2020 til gradvis åbning i faser 1-3: 14. april – 30. august 2020.
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen, 8. july 2020.
Christiansborg Castle, built 1906-28, Copenhagen and view to “Børsen” former commercial trade building built 1619-25 by King Christian 4, king of Denmark and Norway 1588-1648.
Empty streets in danish lockdown, phase 2, 14. may 2020:
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The coronavirus covid-19 situation i Denmark after the first covid-19 patient detected positive in Denmark 27. february 2020 and after start of danish lockdown 11. march 2020 –
and reopening in phases 1-3:
Phase 1, period (13. april – 11. may 2020)
Phase 2, period (part 1: 11-20. may 2020 and part 2: 21. may – 7. june 2020)
Phase 3, from 8. june 2020 – 30 august 2020
Phase 4, start from 31. august 2020
Overview of danish lockdown and reopening from 11. march – 8. july 2020: Phase 1-3 out of 4 phases:
Date 3. july 2020, all Denmark. (Source: Statens Serum Institut and Sundhedsstyrelsen).
Tested: 868.185;
Tested Positive Covid-19: 12.832;
Recovered Covid-19 infections: 11.817;
Hospitalised: 2.607 (30. june 2020),
Died: 606.
The first danish patient covid-19 was a journalist working on danish TV2 station in Copenhagen. He returned from ski holiday in Lombardy, North Italy 24. february 2020. He was detected covid-19 positive 27. february 2020 and he and all his contacts under his 2-6 days of incubation time working on the TV2 station were sent in isolation in their respectively homes.
In the weeks 8-10: from 17. february – 9. march hundreds of danes returned from winter ski holidays in Austria (Ischgl ski resort) and Northern Italy. Many were detected covid-19 positive and the danish health authorities recommended all infected in voluntary isolation in their homes for a period of 14 days.
On wednesday march 11, 2020 World Health Organisation WHO declared coronavirus COVID-19 a Pandemic.
The same evening at 20.30 PM on wednesday march 11, 2020 the danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen addressed all danes on direct television on a press conference about the danish government plan of 4 phases to avoid a unlimited spread of coronavirus covid -19 in the danish population.
Phase 1:
The danish government closed all borders of Denmark saturday 14. march 2020 11.59 AM. All borders are open for in- and outgoing goods but closed for tourists.
This radical steps are to prevent the spreading of coronavirus to the danish population.
From 13-18 march 2020 the danish government ordered all schools, universities and children gardens etc. closed in minimum 4 weeks and ban all gathering of more than 10 people:
13. march 2020:
Lockdown of all schools and education institutions of all levels.
Lockdown of all public working places except critical workplaces. Work at home.
16. march:
Lockdown of all indoor public institutions, churches and praying halls and rooms of all faiths.
17. march 2020:
Restricted travel advices about all 196 countries in the world marked with red and orange colors of arias of dangerous covid -19 outbreak.
Advice to 14 days on quarantine at home after travelling form a covid-19 red and orange area.
18. march:
Lockdown of restaurants, bars, cafes, pubs, waterpipe-room and nightclubs.
Lockdown of shopping centers and big departments stores.
Lockdown of all indoors spare time recreation centers as swimming pool, swim-and play haal, cinemas, theatre, fitness- and solarcenters.
The danish government call all danes to act with responsibility in the daily life:
Keep distance of around 6 feet to all people – infected or not infected with coronavirus (all people are to be LOOKED as infected by coronavirus, COVID-19 – even when they are NOT infected).
Wash you hands after touching handle and railing. Don´t handshake. When you cough do it in a throwaway serviette or in your elbow 6 feet from other people.
Don´t kiss and squeeze.
Use disposable gloves – in your home, on work and when you are shopping.
When you are in close contact under 1 m distance to a person you must use safeguard protection as gloves and mask around mouth, nose and eyes.
But don´t be panic – relax, use your common sense and act with great responsibility. Most children, young people and adults will if infected with coronarvirus only get mild symptoms as cold, fever and tired.
All the above measurements are to hinder a sudden and wide spread epidemic of coronavirus and to protect elder people of plus 60 years and all people with a reduced immunes system, reduced lung capacity and patients undergoing cancer treatment.
Former commerce building “Børsen” built 1618-25 by King Christian 4, King of Denmark and Norway 1588-1648. In distance Christiansborg Castle.
Controlled reopening of the danish lockdown in phase 1 on 5. may 2020 – Danish Liberation day 5. may 1945 after 5 years of Germain occupation 9. april 1940 – 5. may 1945.
Empty streets.
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Kalvebod Brygge, Copenhagen Inner Harbour.
Outdoor lessons in primary school 5. grade:
Controlled reopening of the danish lockdown in phase 1 on 5. may 2020 – Danish Liberation day 5. may 1945 after 5 years of Germain occupation 9. april 1940 – 5. may 1945.
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PHASE 1 of reopening Denmark:
Controlled reopening of the danish lockdown in phase 1 – period (13. april – 11. may 2020):
13. april 2020:
Controlled reopening of children gardens age 1-6 years old, schoolchildren in 0-5 grade classes (6-11 years old) and special classes for special education.
16. april:
Reopening of liberal occupation, law courts, research, laboratories and outdoors visiting by relatives in homes for elderly people.
Controlled reopening of the danish lockdown in phase 1 on 5. may 2020 – Danish Liberation day 5. may 1945 after 5 years of Germain occupation 9. april 1940 – 5. may 1945.
Only few tourist and danes on main square Kings New Square built 1672-84 by King Christian 5, king of Denmark and Norway 1670-99:
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Controlled reopening of the danish reopening in phase 1 (13. april – 11. may 2020) :
Nyhavn, Copenhagen with closed restaurants in phase 1:
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PHASE 2 of reopening Denmark:
Controlled reopening of the danish lockdown in phase 2, period (part 1: 11-20. may 2020 and part 2: 21. may – 7. june 2020):
20. may 2020:
All restaurants, pubs and cafes with social distance of 1 m (3 feet).
All school classes 6-10 grade.
All gymnasiums (grammar schools and high schools).
Public Libraries.
All outdoor athletics, sport and games.
All community of religion.
All continuation schools.
Gatherings and meetings max. 10-50 persons and 1 m distance.
Nyhavn, Copenhagen with reopened restaurants in phase 2, part 2 (21. may – 7. june 2020) after covid-19 lockdown since 13. march 2020:
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Højbro Plads, Copenhagen – reopened restaurants in phase 2, part 2 (21. may – 7. june 2020).
View to Christiansborg Castle.
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Højbro Plads wish statue of Bishop Absalon – founder and ruler of Copenhagen since 1167 A.C.:
Reopening of Denmark in phase 2, part 2 (21. may – 7. june 2020).
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Christianshavn Canal, Christianshavn, Copenhagen:
Reopened restaurants in phase 2, part 2 (21. may – 7. june 2020).
Click on photos and you see them in full screen size.

PHASE 3 of reopening Denmark:
The 8. june 2020 the danish government decided to reopen Denmark in phase 3.
Controlled reopening of the danish lockdown in phase 3, the 8. june 2020:
Reopening of culture institutions, museums and cinemas.
Zoo gardens, botanical gardens and aquarians.
Research institutions and folk high schools.
Summer activities for children and young.
Indoor activities of athletic and sport.
Indoor swimming pools and fitness centers.
Play and swimming centers.
Danish television stations DR1 and TV.
All institutions of higher education.
Gatherings and meetings max. 50 persons and 1 m distance and from 8. july 2020 max 100 persons.
The danish government and parliament plans to implement phase 4 the 31. august 2020 which include:
Open up for gathering of more than 500 persons.
Open nightclubs, discotheques and music playing grounds and halls.
Outdoor stadiums for sport facilities.
The danish Health Authority guidelines:
Sundhedsstyrelsen – click on text: Novel coronavirus, COVID-19 – Danish Health Authoritywww.sst.dk
Wash your hands frequently or sanitise your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub
Cough or sneeze into your sleeve – not your hands
Limit physical contact – avoid handshakes, refuse kisses on the cheek and avoid hugging
Be diligent with cleaning – at home and at work
Keep your distance and ask others to be considerate
Copenhagen Inner Harbour – view to Kalvebod Brygge and Island Brygge on Island Amager :
View 29. june 2020 to outdoor sea restaurant in phase 3 of reopening Denmark after covid -19 lockdown since 13. march 2020.
Click on photos and you see them in full screen size.

Copenhagen Inner Harbour – view to Kalvebod Brygge and Island Brygge on Island Amager:
Click on photos and you see them in full screen size.

Copenhagen Inner Harbour – view to Kalvebod Brygge, Langebro Bridge between Copenhagen City and on Island Amager:
Click on photos and you see them in full screen size.

Copenhagen Inner Harbour – view from Kalvebod Brygge in direction west to outdoor restaurant, walk- and bike bridge “Bryggebroen”connecting island Amager and Fisketorvet with Shopping Center:
Click on photos and you see them in full screen size.

Copenhagen Inner Harbour, Fisketorvet – View 29. june 2020 to outdoor swimmingpool in phase 3 of reopening Denmark after covid -19 lockdown since 13. march 2020.
View in direction to Copenhagen Inner Harbour to “Langebro” bridge connecting Copenhagen City with Amager Island:
Click on photos and you see them in full screen size.

Overview of coronavirus covid-19 pandemic worldwide:
Confirmed case of coronavirus-covid19, downloaded from:
source: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard | WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboardcovid19.who.int
Start Copy:
Global Situation
Situation by WHO Region
Eastern Mediterranean
South-East Asia
Western Pacific
Overview of danish lockdown and reopening from 11. march – 8. july 2020: Phase 1-3 out of 4 phases:
Date 3. july 2020, all Denmark. (Source: Statens Serum Institut and Sundhedsstyrelsen).
Tested: 868.185; Tested Positive Covid-19: 12.832; Recovered Covid-19 infections: 11.817; Hospitalised: 2.607 (30. june 2020), Died: 606.
WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard | WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboardcovid19.who.int
Novel coronavirus, COVID-19 – Danish Health Authoritywww.sst.dk
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention precautionswww.who.int
aerosol | lex.dk – Den Store Danskedenstoredanske.lex.dk
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention precautionswww.who.int
Coronavirus bevæger sig gennem luften som mikroskopiske dråbervidenskab.dk
Det skal du vide om aerosoler | Tandlægebladetwww.tandlaegebladet.dk
Q&A: How is COVID-19 transmitted?www.who.int
Latest news – seneste nyt 20. august 2020:
Prescribed use of Face Mask in all Denmark from saturday 22. august 2020 in public transportation as trains, buses, taxis etc. for all persons elder than 12 years.
Copy begin, extracts from Sundhedsstyrelsen, Danish Health Authority 15 august 2020:
Krav om mundbind i den kollektive trafik og særlige anbefalinger til personer i øget risiko
På baggrund af det stigende smittetryk anbefaler Sundhedsstyrelsen nu brug af mundbind i den kollektive trafik i hele landet på alle tidspunkter af døgnet. Når den nye bekendtgørelse træder i kraft, vil mundbind være et krav for at køre med kollektiv trafik, dog vil visse persongrupper være undtaget bl.a. børn. Samtidig anbefaler vi, at personer i øget risiko for alvorligt forløb af COVID-19 bruger mundbind i alle de situationer, hvor det ikke er muligt at holde den anbefalede afstand på to meter.
Hvilke mundbind kan du bruge?
Ved CE-mærkede engangsmundbind har producenten dokumenteret bl.a. filtreringsgraden og åndbarheden. Der findes tre typer CE-mærkede mundbind (Type I, Type II og Type IIR), hvor forskellen er, at type I har en filtreringsgrad på 95% og type II på 98%. Til brug i det offentlige rum, også for personer i øget risiko, er type I tilstrækkeligt, både i forhold til at beskytte andre mod smitte, og til at beskytte bæreren selv. Mundbind af type II og IIR er til brug i sundhedsvæsenet, ligesom deciderede åndedrætsværn (FFP2 og FFP3 m.v.).
Stofmundbind kan være et godt alternativ for personer, som ikke har mistanke om COVID-19, og som ikke er i øget risiko for alvorligt forløb ved COVID-19.
Et godt stofmundbind bør bestå af tre lag tætvævet stof fx bomuld, være forsynet med elastikker og skal kunne sidde tæt til dit ansigt, så det dækker både næse og mund. Det skal kunne vaskes flere gange ved mindst 60 grader. Skift stof-mundbind, hvis det bliver beskidt eller fugtigt, og mindst én gang dagligt. Brugte mundbind vaskes ved 60 grader og kan bruges igen. Tag derfor flere stofmundbind med, når du går ud, og gem brugte mundbind i en plasticpose, til de kan blive vasket. Opbevar nyvaskede og tørre mundbind separat i en lukket pose, når du skal medbringe dem fx i tasken. Stofmundbind er personlige og bør ikke deles med andre.
Ansigtsvisir kan også være et godt alternativ i en række situationer, hvis de anvendes korrekt.
Da CE-mærkede engangsmundbind har en højere beskyttelsesgrad, bør følgende personer altid anvende et CE-mærket mundbind:
- Personer, som er testet positiv for ny coronavirus eller er i risiko for at være smittet, fx fordi de har symptomer eller er nære kontakter.
- Personer, som er på vej hjem fra fx lufthavnen efter en rejse i et land eller område, hvortil Udenrigsministeriet grundet COVID-19 fraråder alle unødvendige rejser og skal i selvisolation.
- Personer, som skal besøge en person i øget risiko, som ikke er en del af vedkommendes husstand, og hvor det ikke er muligt at holde afstand.
- Personer i øget risiko for alvorligt forløb ved COVID-19.
Mundbindet er et supplement til de generelle anbefalinger om god håndhygiejne, begrænsning af fysisk kontakt, hyppig rengøring både hjemme og på arbejdspladsen, og en opmærksomhed på at holde god afstand og vise hensyn til hinanden. Og det er vigtigt, at man ved mistanke om COVID-19 bliver hjemme og selvisolerer.
Copy finish.
FACE MASK – use a disposable Medical Surgical Mask, only use it one time.
WARNING – my advice:
NEVER touch your face mask with your hands when you place it on your face (nose and mouth) and when you remove the mask from your mouth and nose.
After use the mask is contaminated with micro aerosol water drops on both side of your mask – the outer of the mask and the inner of the mask.
The mask both sides may be contaminated with pollution materials, bacterias and virus of all kinds included corona covid 19 virus.
ONLY use the face mask ONCE and throw the mask away in a plastic bag without touching the mask with your hands.
Clean or wash your hands before and after handling the mask.
Enjoy life – be happy!
and be responsible in ALL your daily activities in your entire life.
Text and photos copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2020
All rights reserved
Melby, North Sealand, Denmark 8. july 2020
Best wishes
Updated 20. august 2020