Oplev F-16 jagerfly, fregatten Niels Juul og fregatten Iver Huitfeldt og forsvarets helicoptere tæt på i åbent hus arrangement på Kvæsthusbroen/Ofelia Plads i København Inderhavn 4.-8. september 2019
Tekst og fotos Erik K Abrahamsen, lørdag den 7. september 2019
Danish F-16 Fighter Jet in front of danish fregat Niels Juul on Ofelia Place in Copenhagen Inner Harbour:
Ofelia Plads/Kvæsthusbroen, København Inderhavn.
Det danske forsvars F-16 jet foran den danske fregat Niels Juul:
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I dagene 6. – 18. september 2019 afholder NATO sammen med associerede lande en stor flådeøvelse “Northern Coast” i Kattegat, Østersøen nær Bornhom og i de danske bælter
From 6.-18. september 2019 NATO and associated nations joint together in naval exercise “Northern Coast” in Kattegat Sea, danish belts and Baltic sea close to danish island Bornholm.
Participants countries in this Naval Exercise “Nothern Coast” are members of NATO and associates:
Deltagende nationer i Nato flådeøvelsen “Northern Coast”:
Belgien, Danmark, Canada, Estland, Tyskland, Letland, Litauen, Holland, Norge, Finland, Polen, Kroatien, Frankrig, England, USA og Sverige.
Åbent hus på Ofelia Plads hvor Det Danske Forsvar giver gratis adgang til militære og civile enheder fra Hæren, Søværnet, Flyvevåbnet, Beredskabforsvaret, Politiet m.m.:
Open house to public to visit danish 2 warship fregat Niels Juul and fregat Iver Huitfeldt, F-16 jet fighter, helicopters, mobile tanks and more.
At midday saterday 7. september 2019 I visited the free and open event on Ofelia Place/Kvaesthusbroen.
View in direction east to Copenhagen Inner Harbour from top of new 180 m long bike-and walk bridge “Inderhavnsbroen:
From left to right on photo new Royal Theater built 2004-06, 2 danish warships fregat Niels Juul and Iver Huitfeldt at quay Ofelia Place/Kvaesthusbroen, Marinestation Nyholm former Naval Base Holmen 1680-1989 with museumship Peder Skram (in duty 1966-90) and Mastekranen built 1750, on Dock Island New Shipyard with 2 cranes 1927-89, New Dock with Pumphouse built 1858 and at right Copenhagen Opera built 2002-04 on Dock Island, Holmen, Christianshavn:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Here is my photo story:
View to Copenhagen Inner Harbour.
From left to right on photo 2 danish warships fregat Niels Juul and Iver Huitfeldt at quay Ofelia Place/Kvaesthusbroen, Marinestation Nyholm former Naval Base Holmen 1680-1989 with museumship Peder Skram (in duty 1966-90) and Mastekranen built 1750, on Dock Island New Shipyard with 2 cranes 1927-89, New Dock with Pumphouse built 1858 and at right Copenhagen Opera built 2002-04 on Dock Island, Holmen, Christianshavn:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

to Copenhagen Inner Harbour, 2 danish fregat Niels Juul and Iver Huitfeldt at quay Ofelia Place/Kvaesthusbroen and at right Copenhagen Opera built 2002-04 on Dock Island, Holmen, Christianshavn:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Free admission for public to visit on board danish fregat Niels Juul at Ofelia Place/Kvaesthusbroen:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Free admission for public to visit on board danish fregat Niels Juul at Ofelia Place/Kvaesthusbroen:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Free admission for public to visit on board danish fregat Niels Juul at Ofelia Place/Kvaesthusbroen:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Information tents on Danish Defence in front af danish warship fregat Niels Juul an Ofelia Place:
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Information tents on Danish Defence in front af danish warship fregat Niels Juul an Ofelia Place:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Danish Defence – Army and Readiness Service and more.
Ofelia Place- Open day Danish Defence. View in direction Amalienborg Castle built 1750-60.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Danish Defence – Army and Readiness Service and more.
Ofelia Place- Open day Danish Defence, Army. View in direction Store House built 1760-70.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Ofelia Place Open Day Danish Defense. Music performed by Marinehjemmeværnet:
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Ofelia Place Open Day Danish Defense.
Danish Defence – Army and Readiness Service and more:
View to Amaliehaven Quay with 3 former stores houses built around 1780 and Domicile Maersk A.P. Møller Compagny and entrance to Copenhagen Inner Harbour:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Ofelia Place Open Day Danish Defense.
Danish Defence – Army, Navy, Air Force and Readiness Service and more.
Free admission to sit in cockpit af Danish Air Force F-16 Fighter Jet in front of danish fregat Niels Juul:
View to Copenhagen Inner Harbour with Copenhagen Opera built 2002-04 and former shipyard from 1927-89 of Danish Naval Base Holmen 1680-1989 on Dock Island, Holmen:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Free admission to sit in cockpit af Danish Air Force F-16 Fighter Jet in front of danish fregat Niels Juul:
View to Copenhagen Inner Harbour with Copenhagen Opera built 2002-04 and former shipyard from 1927-89 of Danish Naval Base Holmen 1680-1989 on Dock Island, Holmen:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Free admission to sit in cockpit af Danish Air Force F-16 Fighter Jet in front of danish fregat Niels Juul:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Free admission to sit in cockpit af Danish Air Force F-16 Fighter Jet in front of danish fregat Niels Juul:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Free admission to sit in cockpit af Danish Air Force F-16 Fighter Jet in front of danish fregat Niels Juul:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Free admission to sit in cockpit af Danish Air Force F-16 Fighter Jet in front of danish warship fregat Niels Juul:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Free admission to sit in cockpit af Danish Air Force F-16 Fighter Jet in front of danish warship fregat Niels Juul:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

On my way back to my car parked on Holmen, Christianshavn I pass in front of new Royal Theater built 2004-06 directly to Copenhagen Inner Habour between Ofelia Place and Nyhavn.
View from panorama platform in front of new Royal Theater in direction east to Copenhagen Inner Harbour:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View from panorama platform in front of new Royal Theater built 2004-06 in direction west to new 180 m long walk-and bike slide bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” connecting Nyhavn in north with Christianshavn in south on North Atlantic Brygge:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

View from panorama platform in front of new Royal Theater in direction west to new 180 m lang walk-and bike slide bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” connecting Nyhavn in north with Christianshavn in south on North Atlantic Brygge:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

Now I walk to top of new 180 m long bike-and walk slide bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” on my route to Christianshavn and my car.
View in direct east to Copenhagen Inner Harbour with from left to right:
new Royal Theater built 2004-06, Ofelia Place with 2 danish warships Niels Juul and Iver Huitfeldt at Kvaestbroen Quay, Marine station Nyholm former Naval Base Holmen 1680-1989 with museumship F352 PEDER SKRAM in duty 1966-90 and Dock Island with former New Dock built 1858, shipyard with 2 cranes 1927-89 and new Copenhagen Opera built 2002-04:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

And what a wonderful surprise – 2 military helicopters from Danish Defense appears in horizon:
View from “Inderhavnsbroen” in direction east to Copenhagen Inner Harbour and 2 military helicopters from Danish Defence arriving in horizon.
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

And what a wonderful surprise – 2 military helicopters from Danish Defense appears in horizon:
View from new 180 m long bike- and walk slide bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” in direction east to Copenhagen Inner Harbour and 2 military helicopters from Danish Defence arriving to 2 danish warships fregat Niels Juul and fregat and Iver Huitfeldt from Danish Defence at Ofelia Place/Kvæsthusbroen Quay:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

And what a wonderful surprise – 2 military helicopters from Danish Defense appears in horizon:
View from new 180 m long bike- and walk slide bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” in direction east to Copenhagen Inner Harbour and 2 military helicopters from Danish Defence arriving to 2 danish warships fregat Niels Juul and fregat and Iver Huitfeldt from Danish Defence at Ofelia Place/Kvæsthusbroen Quay:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

And what a wonderful surprise – 2 military helicopters from Danish Defense appears in horizon:
View from new 180 m long bike- and walk slide bridge “Inderhavnsbroen” in direction east to Copenhagen Inner Harbour and 2 military helicopters from Danish Defence arriving to 2 danish warships fregat Niels Juul and fregat and Iver Huitfeldt from Danish Defence at Ofelia Place/Kvæsthusbroen Quay:
Click on photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.

I hope you have enjoyed my photo story from my wonderful experiences this saturday 7. september 2019.
My articles on my homepage danculture.dk
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“Den kongelige danske Flådes 500 års jubilæum i 2010”
Text and photos Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2019
All rights reserved
Melby, North Sealand, Denmark 8. september 2019
Best wishes