Laurits Tuxens (1853-1927) private foto album 1902 – 27 – dagligdag med kunstnerisk arbejde, fest, jagt og afslapning i Skagen, Danmark.
Tekst Erik K Abrahamsen.
Photos by Laurits Tuxen et al.
Danish painter and sculptor Laurits Tuxen visited Skagen for the first time only 16 years old in summer 1870.
He was educated on Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen 1868-72.
“Villa Dagminne”, Skagen – Laurits and Frederikke Tuxens summerhouse and atelier:
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Laurits Tuxen stayed in Paris 1875-76 together with swedish and norwegian artists to learn and study the new french painting expression.
Laurits Tuxen took lessons on Léon Bonnat´s (1833-1922) painting school in Paris from december 1875 until april 1876.
In summer 1877 Laurits Tuxen returned to Paris and studied the new french painting in motif, composition and technique on Léon Bonnats painting school winter 1877-78 together with his friend danish painter P. S. Krøyer.
Summer 1878 the two friends painted together in Saint Malo, Bretagne, France.
Open air studies in Bretagne , France 1880:
Drawing 75 x 43 cm by Laurits Tuxen to final painting : “En fiskers datter på stranden”, Bretagne 1880, Olie på lærred 75 x 43 cm:
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Drawing 75 x 43 cm by Laurits Tuxen to final painting: “En fiskers datter på stranden”, Bretagne 1880, Olie på læred, 75 x 43 cm. Private. Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2016. All rights reserved. Photo by Erik K Abrahamsen 25. september 2016.
Laurits Tuxen: En fiskers datter på stranden. Bretagne, 1880. Olie på lærred 75 x 43 cm:
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Marriage and family life:
Engagement photo – Forlovelsesfoto, Copenhagen, Denmark 1885.
Hansen & Weller: Engagement Photo of Laurits Tuxen and Ursule de Baisieux 1885:
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The 6. march 1886 32 years old Laurits Tuxen married 23 years belgian Ursule de Baisieux born 5. december 1862 and they settled in Paris.
Laurits Tuxen: ” Ursule i brudedragt, Paris, 1886″. Olie på lærred. 55 x 32,5 cm. Privateje.
Laurits Regner Tuxen : “Ursule in wedding dress, Paris, 1886”. Oil on canvas. 55 x 32,5 cm. Private. Charlotte Pauline Ursule de Baisieux on her wedding day, Paris 6. march 1886. Ursule de Baisieux was born 5. december 1862 in Bruxelles, Belgium. Photo 6. may 2016 by Erik K Abrahamsen.

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Brev 58 Fredag d. 26. februar 1886.
Letter from Ursule de Baisieux to Laurits Tuxen a week before they were married at a registry office in Bruxelles saturday 6. march 1886. Later the same year they were married and blessed in a danish protestant church in Copenhagen. Dulette is synonym with Ursule. Pastor Rochedieu is a protestant priest living in Bruxelles. He had teached Ursule in doctrines of the lutheran protestant faith:
Brev oversat fra fransk fra Ursule (Dulette) de Baisieux til sin forlovede Laurits Tuxen en uge før deres borgelige bryllup i Bruxelles. Senere på året i 1886 blev Ursule og Laurits Tuxen viet protestantisk i en kirke i København.

In april 1886 Laurits and Ursule Tuxen travelled to Capri, Italy on their honeymoon trip.
On this holiday Laurits painted his wife Ursule:
“Portrait of Ursule as an Italian dancer”. Signed and dated L. Tuxen April 1886. Oil on canvas. 57 x 37 cm.
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Their first child Paula was born the 11. june 1887 in Paris.
Laurits Tuxen, Portrait of Paula, 46 x 38 cm, Oil on wood, sign. Paula Dec 1889 L Tuxen:
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In 1888 Ursule and Laurits moved their permanent residence from Paris to Bruxelles, Belgium where Ursule´s father Charles de Baisieux and her mother Olympe van Calster lived.
Their second child Elsa (Sasa) is born the 20. september 1892 in Bruxelles.
Their third child Yvonne is born 1. may 1894 in Rebecq, Belgium:
Ursule Tuxen and Yvonne, Rebecq, Belgium 1894:
Painting by her husbond Laurits Tuxen. Coal and coloured chalk on cardboard. 1894, 40 cm x 32 cm. Private. Photo: 2008. Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2011. All rights reserved.
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Ursule Tuxen with her daughter Yvonne. Painting by her husbond Laurits Tuxen. Coal and coloured chalk on cardboard. 1894, 40 cm x 32 cm. Private. Photo: 2008. Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2011. All rights reserved.
Laurits Tuxen: Yvonne, 5 år, 1899. Olie på lærred. 40 x 31 cm. Privateje:
Text on painting: “Vonne à Grand mère le 11. juin 1899. Sign L.T.”
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Their fourth child Nina is born 16. january 1898 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Laurits Tuxen and his wife Ursule and their 4 children lived in Rebecq, Belgium since 1889. Laurits traveled to paint in London (1887-99), Copenhagen (1886-99), Sct. Petersborg (1894) and Moscow (1896).
1891-92 Laurits and Ursule Tuxen traveled together to Palestine, where Laurits Tuxen painted.
In april 1897 Laurits and Ursule Tuxen traveled together on vacation to Capri, Italy for recreation and painting.
In may 1896 Ursule traveled with her husband Laurits to Moskau where Laurits Tuxen painted:
Czar Nicholas 2 coronation 26. May 1896 in Uspensky Cathedral, Cremlin, Moscow,
Oil on canvas, 142,5 x 180 cm., painted by Laurits Tuxen 1896-99.
Owner: The State Museum in Pavlovsk, St. Petersborg, Russia:
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Czar Nicholas 2 Coronation 26. may 1896 in Uspensky Cathedral, Cremlin, Moscow. Oil on canvas, 142,5 x 180 cm., painted by Laurits Tuxen 1896-99. Photo extract. State Museum of Pavlovsk, St. Petersborg, Russia. Exhibition “Denmark and the czars of Russia 1600-1900” in Frederikborg Castle National History Museum, Denmark 29. august – 1. december 2013. Foto by Erik K Abrahamsen 26. november 2013. Copyright 2013 Erik K Abrahamsen. All rights reserved.
Ursule helped her husbond by acting as a model as tsarina for 2 paintings: the wedding of Nikolaj 2 and princess Alix of Hessen (later zarina of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna (1872-1918) in St. Petersborg 14. november 1894 and the coronation in Uspensky Cathedral, Moscow 26. may 1896:
Ursule Tuxen, first wife of painter Laurits Tuxen, 1896. Photo by Laurits Tuxen:
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In april 1897 Ursule and Laurits Tuxen travelled to Capri in Italy for a recreation holiday to strengthen Ursule´s health.
On Capri, Italy Laurits Tuxen painted this painting of her wife Ursule:

The 6. August 1899 dies Ursule Tuxen 36 years old by tuberculosis and 3 days later the 9. august 1899 Ursule and Laurits ´s eldest daughter Paula dies of brain infection caused by measles only 12 years old. In 1900 Ursule´s mother Olympe de Baisieux born van Calster dies of tuberculosis. Their daughter Elsa died 8. september 1896 only 4 years old of tuberculosis.
After having lost their mother Ursule and their big sister Paula in august 1899 the 2 daughters Yvonne (1894-1987) and Nina (1898-1982) stayed together with their grandfather Charles de Baisieux (1833-1925) and grandmother Olympe (1838-1900) in the families country house in Rebecq, Belgium until they in 1902 returned permanently to Copenhagen to live with their father Laurits Tuxen and his new wife Frederikke Treschow.
Since 1899-1900 Laurits Tuxen moved to Copenhagen, Denmark as his permanent residence.
23. june 1901 Laurits Tuxen married his second wife Frederikke Treschow born 1856, daughter of landowner Michael Treschow (1814-1901), Fritzøehus, Larvik, Norway.
Laurits and Frederikke Tuxen´s life in Skagen Denmark 1901-1927:
In january 1901 they visited together Skagen and bought “Madam Bendsens Yard” – “Madam Bendsens Gård”:
Painting by Laurits Tuxen: “Gården på Skagen” dated 26/1-1901, sign. L.T., oil on 5 mm hard millboard. Extract.
Madam Bendsens Yard, Skagen – built 1833-42:
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Madam Bendsens Gård i Skagen. Maleri “Gården på Skagen” af Laurits Tuxen dateret 26/1- 1901 sign. L.T. olie på 5 mm tyk hård pap. Udsnit. Privateje. Foto 2008. Copyright 2011 Erik K Abrahamsen, All rights reserved.
Now Laurits Tuxen is again back in Skagen since his last visit in october 1876.
With his new wife Frederikke they hire danish architect Thorvald Jørgensen (1867-1946) to rebuild and expand “Madam Bendsens Yard” to atelier and summer residence.
In summer 1902 “Villa Dagminne” is ready for occupation and Laurits Tuxen´s 2 daughters Yvonne and Nina with his first wife Ursule (1862-99) moves from Rebecq in Belgium to Denmark to be together with their father and stepmother.
Artistic and family life of Laurits and Frederikke Tuxen in Skagen, Denmark 1902-1927:
“Villa Dagminne”, Skaw – photo by Laurits Tuxen. The photo has no data. My guess is: Photo 1903, Frederikke Tuxen sitting on doorstep with Yvonne Tuxen 9 years old at left and Nina Tuxen 5 years old at right and standing Vibeke Krøyer 8 year old.
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Hunting in surroundings heaths and dunes of Skaw:
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Hunting in surroundings heaths and dunes of Skaw:

Hunting in surroundings heaths and dunes of Skagen:
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Frederikke Tuxen in summer residence “Villa Dagminnne”, Skagen:
Photo Laurits Tuxen.

Family life in “Villa Dagminne”, Skaw:
Vibeke Krøyer, Yvonne Tuxen and Nina Tuxen:
Photo by Laurits Tuxen.

Villa Dagminne, Skagen.
Nina Tuxen and her sister Yvonne Tuxen – daughters of Laurits Tuxen and his first wife Ursule de Baisieux:
Photo by Laurits Tuxen.

Yvonne Tuxen welcomes at entrance “Villa Dagminne”, Skagen:
Photo by Laurits Tuxen.

Laurits Tuxen with his dog in his garden in “Villa Dagminne”, Skagen:

Laurits Tuxen with his dog on the courtyard of Villa Dagminne, Skagen:

Laurits Tuxen and his daughter Nina on courtyard “Villa Dagminne”:

Artistic work by Laurits Tuxen in Skagen.
Artistic work in Laurits Tuxen atelier in Villa Dagminne, Skagen:
Dubblestatue of Michael Ancher and P. S. Krøyer, 248 cm high, 1907-08.

Dubble statue 248 cm high of Michael Ancher and P. S. Krøyer, 1907-08:

Dubble statue 248 cm high of Michael Ancher and P. S. Krøyer, 1907-08:

Dubble statue 248 cm high of Michael Ancher and P. S. Krøyer, 1907-08:

Outdoor artistic work by Laurits Tuxen in Skagen:
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Laurits Tuxen painting on beach close to Villa Dagminne, Skagen:
Laurits Tuxen painting “Sommerdag på Skagen Strand med Figurer”, 1907:
Model: Yvonne Tuxen.

Laurits Tuxen painting “Sommerdag på Skagen Strand med Figurer”, 1907:
Moders: Tuxens 2 daughters Yvonne and Nina.

Laurits Tuxen painting “Sommerdag på Skagen Strand med Figurer”, 1907, Sign. L.T., oil on canvas, 80 x 118 cm:
Figurer: Yvonne Tuxen, Nina Tuxen and Vibeke Krøyer.

Laurits Tuxen painting “Sommerdag på Skagen Strand med Figurer”, 1907, Sign. L.T., oil on canvas, 80 x 118 cm:
Figurer: Yvonne Tuxen, Nina Tuxen and Vibeke Krøyer.
Laurits Tuxen: “Sommerdag på Skagen Strand med Figurer”. Sign. L.T. 1907. Olie på lærred. 80 x 118 cm. Source: Catalogue “FINE ART + ANTIQUES”, International auction 854, Auction 24 February – 5 Marts 2015, Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers of Fine Art, Copenhagen, Denmark. Foto taken inBruun Rasmussens Kunstauktioner, København the 23. februar 2015 by Erik K Abrahamsen. Copyright 2015 Erik K Abrahamsen. All rights reserved.
The above painting Laurits Tuxen: “Sommerdag på Skagen Strand med Figurer”. Sign. L.T. 1907. Olie på lærred. 80 x 118 cm was sold 24. Februar 2015 on Bruun Rasmussens Auctioneers of Fine Art, Copenhagen to the price 1,8 mill. danish crowns – the highest price for a painting by Laurits Tuxen.
Inside Laurits Tuxen atelier in Villa Dagminne, Skagen:
Nina Tuxen, born 1898.

Laurits Tuxen: Preliminary studie painting to final painting: “Yvonne Tuxen og Vibeke Krøyer”, 1909, oil on canvas, 119 x 156:

Relaxation in “Villa Dagminne”, its garden and surroundings:

Relaxation in “Villa Dagminne”, its garden and surroundings:

Relaxation in “Villa Dagminne”, its garden and surroundings:

Relaxation in “Villa Dagminne”, its garden and surroundings:

Villa Dagminne garden, Skagen:
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“Villa Dagminne” – Laurits and Frederikke Tuxen´s atelier and summer house in Skagen, Denmark:

“Villa Dagminne”, Skagen:
At left Frederikke Tuxen and at right Laurits Tuxen.

Garden Party in “Villa Dagminne”, Skagen:
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Welcome to guests at Skagen Railway Station:
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Visits to neighbors to “Villa Dagminne”, Skagen:
Close to Kattegat Sea at Skagen The Royal Danish Family have their summer residence “KLITGAARDEN” – as neighbor and only 300 meter from Tuxen summer residence “Villa Dagminne”:
The Royal Danish Family in front of “Klitgaarden”, Skagen – among others King Christian 1o. (1870-1947) and his son Crown Prince Frederik born 1899:

Relaxation of Danish Royal Family in dunes, swimming and on canoes in Kattegat Sea near royal summer residence “Klitgaarden”, Skagen:
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Relaxation of Danish Royal Family and friends in dunes at Kattegat Sea near royal summer residence “Klitgaarden”, Skagen:
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Relaxation of Danish Royal Family and friends in dunes at Kattegat Sea near royal summer residence “Klitgaarden”, Skagen:
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The Royal Danish family with friends swimming in Kattegat Sea close to their summer residence “Klitgaarden” at the coast of Kattegat:
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Royal Danish Family with friends in a canoe in Kattegat Sea close to royal summer residence “Klitgaarden” at the coast:
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Royal Danish Family with friends in a canoes in Kattegat Sea close to royal summer residence “Klitgaarden” at the coast:
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Royal Danish Family with friends in a canoe in Kattegat Sea close to royal summer residence “Klitgaarden” at the coast:

Royal Danish Family with friends on bicycles in Skagen, Denmark:
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Villa Dagminne, Skagen and Yvonne Tuxen with her first child – a daughter Birthe Ursula born 3. march 1916:

The following photos are from photos and paintings which belongs to Laurits Tuxen´s descendent through 4 generations:
Summer 1917 at “Villa Dagminne”, Skagen and beach of Kattegat Sea:
Paintings of Laurits Tuxen:
Birthe Ursula and Frederikke Tuxen on beach “Skagen Sønderstrand” at Kattegat Sea. Painted by Laurits Tuxen, 38 x 24 cm, Oil on wood, 1917. Extract. Privateje.
Birthe Ursula (1916-2000) and Frederikke Tuxen (1856-1946) on Skagen Sønderstrand. Painted by Laurits Tuxen, 38 x 24 cm, Oil on wood, 1917. Extract. Photo: 2008. Private. Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2011. All rights reserved.
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Birthe Ursula Wulff born 3. march 1916 – daughter of Yvonne Tuxen and Flemming Gustav Voss Wulff and first granddaughter of Laurits Tuxen:
Birthe Ursula Wulff. Painted june 1917 in Skagen by Laurits Tuxen. Oil on canvas and wood, 27 x 24 cm. Photo: 2008. Private.
Birthe Ursula Wulff. Painted june 1917 in Skagen by Laurits Tuxen. Oil on canvas and wood, 27 x 24 cm. Photo: 2008. Private. Copyright Erik K Abrahamsen 2011. All rights reserved.
Engagement photo – Forlovelsesbillede:
Hansen & Weller: Laurits and Ursule de Baisieux, Engagement photo, 1885. Private.

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Laurits Tuxen works on double statue of Michael Ancher and P.S. Krøyer, 1908, Unknown photographer:

Laurits Tuxen. Danish painter and sculptor 1853-1927. Photo by Frederik Riise:
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Laurits Tuxen. Danish painter and sculptor 1853-1927. Photo: Fred. Riise. Private.
My newest article dated 8. february 2021:
Enjoy life- be happy!
Text and photos Copyright 2016 Erik K Abrahamsen
All right reserved
My mother Birthe Ursula, daughter of Yvonne Tuxen (1894-1987) and Flemming Wulff (1890-1955) with me 4 days old on Skagen Sygehus the 8. august 1945:
Erik Kristian Abrahamsen born 4. august 1945 in Skagen under my parents Birthe Ursula (1916-2000) and Poul Kristian Abrahamsen (1903-62) summerholiday in Dagminne, Skagen visiting Frederikke Tuxen (1856-1946). Laurits and Ursule Tuxen are my great-grandparents through my grandmother Yvonne Tuxen (1894-1987).
Skagen Sygehus. On the above photo I am 4 days old together with my mother Birthe Ursula born 3. march 1916. Photo: 8. august 1945.
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Erik K Abrahamsen – 21 years later:
Photo 6. december 1966 by WEEG.
Melby, North Sealand, Denmark the 2. february 2016
Best wishes
12. june 2020:
Currents events:
Exhibition “Portraits – World- Denmark” in Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC Dec 13, 2029 until oct 12 2020 Portraits of the World: Denmark | National Portrait with painting “Kunstdommerne”, Art Judges, oil on canvas, 1906 of danish painter Michael Ancher (1851-1926).
Link to exhibition:
Portraits of the World: Denmark | National Portrait
Link to article:
Updated 3. April 2024
Kære Erik K. Abrahamsen
Jeg har med interesse set de på de forskellige fotos af Lauritz Tuxens børn Nina og Yvonne, og det er fotos som jeg ikke har set før og som har vagt min interesse.
Interessen for Lauritz Tuxen stammer fra Skagen hvor vi er kommet på museet flere gange om året i ca. 16 år, og på et tidspunkt købt et billede, en pastel, hvor sælgeren sagde at det var en skagens maler, muligvis Lauritz Tuxen, og muligvis Lauritz Tuxens døtre, og jeg har studeret alle de fotos og billeder som jeg har kunne finde meget grundigt for at se om det kunne være dem, og jeg mener at det godt kan være disse piger, bl.a. ved at studere hår grænserne hvor Yvonnes er helt lige, men Ninas går lidt ned i en spids.
Det er et meget flot portræt billede(pastel) af 2 piger på omkring 7-8 år (Nina) og 12-13 år (yvonne) de har et lidt sørgmodigt udtryk, men det tilskriver jeg, hvis det er dem, den triste historie med den mistede mor og 2 søskende. Det er lidt svært helt at sammenligne fotos/billeder med pastellen, for på en del er de blevet ældre, og ser heldigvis meget mere glade ud, og har jo så ændret sig, men jeg syntes stadigt at det ligner, men billedet har lige været på museet hos koncervator Dorthe Aggerholm i Skagen, og blive ordnet, og hun syntes at det var et dejligt billede, hun havde spurgt museums direktøren om hun mente at det kunne være et Lauritz Tuxen billede (det er usigneret) men hun syntes ikke at det ligner Nina og Yvonne, og jeg anerkender jo selvfølgelig hendes store viden, men måske har du som familie en anden indsigt. Jeg har på min telefon et billede af det, og hvis du er interesseret i at se det kan jeg sende det til et tlf. nr.. Med venlig hilsen Kaja Kusk
Kære Kaja Kusk.
Tusind tak for din beretning og din forespørgsel.
Jeg vil meget gerne modtage et billede af omtalte pastel og vil efter bedste evne sende dig min vurdering.
Send venligst foto til min mobil 26 79 75 84.
Med venlig hilsen
Erik K Abrahamsen