Paragliding on the cliff Gilbjerg Hoved at Kattegat coast in North Zealand, Denmark
Paragliding på 33 meter høje klint Gilbjerg Hoved ved Kattegats Kyst i Nordsjælland.
Tekst og fotos af Erik K Abrahamsen.
Late summer 2014 at Kattegat Coast in Denmark.
Paraglider on the cliff Gilbjerg Hoved at the coast of Kattegat in North Sealand, Denmark. Photo in direction north 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
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The 150 km long Kattegat Sea coast of North Sealand is shaped by ice, sea and the rise and fallen of the countryside since The Danish Ice Age 10-15. 000 years ago.
The coastline various in geological variations: dunes, meadows, fjords and cliffs of various hights.
Gilbjerg Hoved is the highest cliff in North Sealand with its 33 meter above sea level.
The cliffs are situated only 50 meter from Kattegat Sea and is 700 meter in full length.
When the wind blows from northern direction it will hit the northern part of the cliffs and rice up.
This uprisen airstreams can be used in the sport: paragliding.
Paragliding i Danmark.
On westernside on cliff Gilberg Hoved:
Paragliding on the western side of cliff Gilbjerg Hoved at Kattegat Coastline in North Sealand, Denmark:
Paragliding on the cliff Gilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand, Denmark. Here the paraglider take off from the cliff. Photo in direction west to Kattegat Sea 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen.
Now the paraglider is free of the cliff and the upstreeming winds send him higher and higher:
Paragliding on the cliff Gilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand. Photo in direction west to Kattegat Sea 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
and higher in the sky:
Paragliding on Gilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand, Denmark. Photo in direction west to Kattegat Sea 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
and higher….
Paragliding on cliff Gilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand. Photo in direction west to Kattegat Sea 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Paragliding at Kattegat Sea on Northcoast of Sealand, Denmark:
Paragliding on cliff Gilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand. Photo in direction mort to Kattegat Sea 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Paragliding in Denmark – at Kattegat coastline to North Sealand:
Paragliding on cliff Bilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand, Denmark. Photo in direction north to Kattegat Sea 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Time to salute to celebrate joy:
Paragliding on 33 meter high cliff Gilbjerg Hoved in Nort Sealand. Photo in direction north to Kattegat Sea 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Click on the photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.
and a closer look at Kattegat Sea:
Paragliding on cliff Gilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand, Denmark. Photo in direction north 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
And then turn around and experience fun:
Paragliding on cliff Gilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand. Photo in direction north to Kattegat Sea 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
and back in direction west alongside the northern part of cliff Gilbjerg Hoved:
Paragliding on cliff Gilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand, Denmark,. Photo in direction west to Kattegat 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Paragliding in Denmark late summer 2014.
The 33 meter high cliff Gilbjerg Hoved seen from Smidstrup Beach about 1-2 km west from the cliff:
Cliff Gilbjerg Hoved seen from Smidstrup Beach. Photo 11. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Paragliding on the 33 meter high cliff Gilbjerg Hoved at coastline to Kattegat Sea in North Sealand, Denmark:
View in direction west to Tinkerup Beach and Smidstrup Beach:
Paragliding on cliff Gilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand, Denmark. Photo in direction west to Tinkerup Beach and Smidstrup Beach at coastline to Kattegat Sea 10. seeptember 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Click on the photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.
Paragliding i Danmark.
On eastern side of cliff Gilbjerg Hoved:
Paragliding on the eastern side on cliff Gilbjerg Hoved in North Sealand, Denmark:
Paragliding on east side of cliff Bilbjerg Hoved, North Sealand. Photo in direction east to Sweden in the horizon 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Paragliding on east side on cliff Gilbjerg Hoved:
Paragliding on east side of cliff Gilbjerg Hoved. Photo in direction east to Sweden in the horizon 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Paragliding on eastern side of cliff Gilbjerg Hoved. Gilbjerg Hoved is a 40 hector nature protected area under danish and EU laws (NATURE 2000 HABITAT AREA) and the cliff is neighbour to the summerhouse area you can see at right on the photo. Photo 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Photo in direction north to Kattegat Sea:
Paragliding on eastern side of cliff Gilbjerg Hoved. Photo in direction north to Kattegat Sea 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Photo in direction north-east to Kattegat Sea with the cliff Kullen in Sweden in the horizon:
Paragliding on eastern side of cliff Gilbjerg Hoved. Photo in direction north-east to the cliff Kullen in Sweden 10. september 2014 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Click on the photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen scale.
Map of North Sealand, Denmark:
Map of North Sealand. Cliff Gilbjerg Hoved is situated at the most northern point of North Sealand at the coastline of Kattegat Sea 1,5 km west of Gilleje. At this map the name "Gilbjerg Hoved" is placed too much to the west on the map. Photo august 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen