Summer 2013 at north coast of The Danish Riviera in North Zealand
Sommer 2013 ved Nordkysten af Den Danske Riviera i Nordsjælland.
Safe bathing near 21 lifeguard posts from Espergærde at Øresund to Hundested at Kattegat.
Sikker badning nær 21 livredderposter fra Espergærde i Øresund til Hundested ved Kattegat.
Text and photos Erik K Abrahamsen
Liseleje beach, North Zealand:
Lifeguard post Liseleje Ø (East) at Liseleje beach, northcoast of The danish Riviera in North Zealand. View in direction east with Tisvildeleje and Tisvilde Hegn in the background. Photo: 7. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Its summer in Denmark. We have 7000 km of beaches at The North Sea, Skagerak, Kattegat, Lillebælt, Storebælt, Øresund and Østersøen.
At the North Coast of North Zealand – a 60 km distance of The Danish Riviera there are 21 lifeguards post with trained young men and woman. 2 times a day they measure water and air temperature and run up a flag – green, yellow or red to tell visitors how safe it is go bathing:
Green flag: Bathing allowed,
Yellow flag: Bathing allowed, but be extra attentive,
Red flag: Bathing forbidden.
At Liseleje beach there are 2 lifeguard posts: Liseleje Ø (Liseleje East) and Liseleje V (Liseleje West):
Liseleje beach, North coast of North Zealand. View in direction west at Kattegat and Liseleje with two 50 m longbreakwatesr of granite stones in the middle of the photo. Back left on the photo you can see one out of two lifeguard posts (Liseleje V) her on Liseleje beach. There is a lifeguard with a telescope on roof of the post. Photo: 7. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Click on the photos and use your zoom control and you can see them in full screen size.
7 km beach between Liseleje and Tisvildeleje with dunes and Kattegats clean water:
Lifeguard post (Liseleje Ø) at Liseleje, North Zealand at Kattegat. At left a 5o m long breakwater of big granite stones View in direction west with Tisvildeleje and the forest Tisvilde Hegn in the background.. Photo: 7. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
View to Kattegat Sea and the 7 km long beach between Liseleje and Tisvildeleje with 2 locations Lille Kulgat beach and Stængehus beach about 3 km from here:
View in direction east to Tisvildeleje. The distance is 7 km with beach, dunes and forest and is named Tisvilde Hegn. Its a Natura 2000 EU protected area wit 66 burial mounds from Danish Bronze Age 1500 B.C. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Between Liseleje and Tisvildeleje are 2 lifeguard posts: at Lille Kulgatbeach and at Stængehus beach in Tisvilde Hegn:
Information about Tisvilde Hegn og Melby Overdrev. Lille Kulgat, Tisvilde Hegn. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Click on the photos and use your zoom control and you see them in full screen size.
Map of Tisvilde Hegn at the parking area at Lille Kulgat. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
From Nyvej in Asserbo there are 2 km through Tisvilde Hegn or Melby Overdrev to parking areas at Lille Kulgatbeach and Stængehus beach :
Lille Kulgat, Tisvilde Hegn. Dunes and Kattegat sea and at right back the forest close to Tisvildeleje.. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Lifeguard post at Lille Kulgat beach, Tisvilde Hegn:
Lifeguard post at Lille Kulgat beach, Tisvilde Hegn.View in direction east to Tisvildeleje. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Lille Kulgat beach, Tisvilde Hegn:
Lille Kulgat beach, Tisvilde Hegn. View in directon west to Liseleje. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Stængehus beach, Tisvilde Hegn:
Lifeguard post at Stængehus beach, Tisvilde Hegn. View in direction east. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Stængehus beach, Tisvilde Hegn:
Stængehus beach, Tisvilde Hegn. View in direction east with dunes up to 14 m at right. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Stængehus Beach, Tisvilde Hegn:
Stængehus Beach, Tisvilde Hegn at Kattegat Sea. View in direction west to Liseleje: Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Stængehus beach:
Stængehus beach. View in direction to Tisvildeleje with dunes and Tisvilde Hegn forest at right. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Stængehus beach, Tisvilde Hegn:
Stængehus beach, Tisvilde Hegn. View in direction eat to dunes, forest and Tisvildeleje in the background 3 km from here. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Tisvilde Hegn, Stængehus:
Stængehus in Tisvilde Hegn. Trees formed by the wind only 300 m from the seashore of Kattegat. A path through the forest from Stængehus parking to the beach. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
All the 21 lifeguardposts are managed by DNK: Den Nordsjællandske Kystredningstjeneste og som er Danmarks ældste kystredningstjeneste. Every day from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. in the childrens summer holiday there are skilled lifeguards on the posts.
Lifeguard post (Liseleje Ø) on Liseleje beach in North Zealand. One of the two lifeguards is sitting on top of the lifeguardpost and observe the Kattegat sea with a telescope. Air temperature is 22 degree Celcius and the water is 18 degree Celcius. Photo: 7. july 2013 at 3. p.m. by Erik K Abrahamsen
Safe bathing in Liseleje beach, North Zealand, Denmark:
Safe bathing in Liseleje beach at The danish Riviera. In the forefront of the photo granite stones as part of a 50 m long breakwater here to prevent the sea from removing sand and stone from the shore. Photo: 6. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Enjoy the clean water all over Denmark.
There are lifeguardposts all over Denmark.
Take care of your family, friends and yourself when you go bathing.
Here at “” you can find locations of all 21 lifeguard posts on the northcoast of North Zealand.
Lifeguard post (Liseleje Ø) at Liseleje. A motorboat is ready for rescue operations managed by the two lifeguards on the post. Click on the photo and use your zoom control and you see it in full screen size. Photo: 7. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Map of Tisvilde Hegn:
Click on the photo and use your zoom control and you can see it in full screen size.
Map of Tisvilde hegn. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Enjoy life – enjoy the danish summer, its short but wonderful!
The Danish Riviera – 200 km coastline of Øresund and Kattegat from Klampenborg in east to Sjællands Odde and Sejerø Bay in west of North- and Westzealand. Liseleje beach. Click on the photo and use your zoom control and you see it in full screen size. Photo: 8. july 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen
Melby, North Zealand 7. july 2013
With Love
Updated 8. july 2013
Map of North Zealand and north coast of The Danish Riviera, Denmark:
Map of North Zealand, Denmark. Photo: May 2013 by Erik K Abrahamsen